Department Office

Chemistry & Biochemistry

Eucalyptus Hall, Room 2102
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8262

Phone: (818) 677-3381

Send email

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Scholarships & Awards

Each year, the College of Science and Math as well as the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry give out a number of awards in recognition of our outstanding majors. Some of these awards are named after a distinguished emeritus or alumnus. View past winners of these awards.

In addition, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry provides (if sufficient funds are available) a number of scholarships that are set up by our generous emeriti, alumni and friends. These scholarships are chosen from qualified students who have submitted applications. A description of each of these including application forms, eligibility, requirement and nature of the scholarships, is also listed below. All qualified students are urged to apply to any of these awards. Completed applications must be received by the department office before the posted deadline. A list of students who have won these scholarships in previous years can be found here.

College of Science and Math Scholarships

(deadlines are near the end of March - click on award name for details of award and application):



Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Scholarships


PDF of all available scholarships and awards



  • Patricia A. Maloney Student Travel Fund Award

    Qualifications: Undergraduate majors in Chemistry and Biochemistry who plans to attend a conference in the following academic year at which they will deliver a verbal and/or poster presentation. Additionally, the recipient must have a completed application cover letter, an unofficial transcript, a personal statement, and a recommendation letter from the research mentor.

    Award: $2000. The award recipient's name will be added to the department permanent award roster and a certificate will be presented at the annual Department Awards and Commencement Reception. Please note this award will be given after the identified travel has taken place and function as a reimbursement of actual expenses (up to the award amount) to the student.

    Application cover page (PDF)
    Detailed application and award criteria (PDF)
    Deadline: 5:00pm on the 4th Friday in March.


  • Dr. Lan K. Wong Undergraduate Research Scholarship

    Qualifications: Applicants must be a CSUN-registered junior majoring in Chemistry or Biochemistry and have a minimum 3.25 GPA. Additionally, recipients must have a research proposal, detailed budget and a letter of recommendation from their faculty research advisor.

    Award: $1500. The award recipient's name will be added to the department permanent award roster and a certificate will be presented at the annual Department Awards and Commencement Reception. The scholarship funds will be disbursed to the award recipient in the fall through the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. The student will be responsible for any taxes due.

    Application cover page (PDF)
    Detailed application and award criteria (PDF)
    Deadline: 5:00pm on the 4th Friday in March.


All of the following awards use the same application form. Please complete one form for each award that you are applying for.

  • Wonderment Scholarship in Chemistry in Memory of Dr. Henry I. Abrash

    Award: $500. The scholarship will be given to a student who attended public high school, who demonstrates interest and a healthy curiosity for science, and who has demonstrated financial need.


  • David A. Miller Award for Excellence in Analytical Chemistry

    Award: $1000. Chemistry or Biochemistry major that received “A” grades in CHEM 321/L and CHEM 422/L


  • Weigand-Jewett Award for Outstanding Senior in Biochemistry

    Award: $1500. B.S. Biochemistry student demonstrating excellence in the CHEM 461/L / 462/L / 465 sequence that will graduate within the calendar year of the award.




  • Patricia A. Maloney Student Travel Fund Award

    Qualification: MS Chemistry and Biochemistry majors planning to attend a conference in the following academic year at which they will deliver a verbal and/or poster presentation.

    Award: $2000. The award recipient's name will be added to the department permanent award roster and a certificate will be presented at the annual Department Awards and Commencement Reception. Please note that this award will be given after the identified travel has occurred and will function as a reimbursement of expenses to the student.

    Application cover page (PDF)
    Detailed application and award criteria (PDF)
    Deadline: 5:00pm on the 4th Friday in March.


  • Sandra L. Jewett Scholarship in Biochemistry

    Qualifications: Applicants must be graduate students with "proficient" status, enrolled in the MS Biochemistry Program and with a demonstrated need for financial assistance. A student is ineligible if they are in the last semester of the MS program.

    Award: $1000. The award recipient's name will be added to the department permanent award roster and a certificate will be presented at the annual Department Awards and Commencement Reception. The scholarship funds will be disbursed to the award recipient in the fall through the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. The student will be responsible for any taxes due.

    Application cover page and instructions (fillable PDF)
    Detailed application and award criteria (PDF)
    Deadline: 5:00 pm on the 4th Friday in March


  • Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award

    Qualification: Applicants must be a Teaching Assistant with a GPA of 3.0 or better with excellent teaching evaluations from students.

    Award: $500

    Application package must include: (i) A list of courses taught at CSUN with semester and course coordinator for each course, (ii) Recommendation letters from course coordinator(s) of classes taught and from research mentor. (iii) Copies of student evaluations for at least three course sections taught at CSUN. (iv) Any additional evidence of teaching excellence (such as unsolicited notes/e-mails of appreciation from students). Please email all documents to before the deadline.
    Deadline: 5:00pm on the 4th Friday in March.

Student Awards Recipients

Department Office

Chemistry & Biochemistry

Eucalyptus Hall, Room 2102
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8262

Phone: (818) 677-3381

Send email

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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