Chemistry & Biochemistry Club

CSUN Chem Club ACS Local Chapter 2019-2020 ACS Student Chapter Commendable Award 2018-2019 ACS Student Chapter Honorable Award 2017-2018 ACS Student Chapter Green Chemistry Award 2016-2017 ACS Student Chapter Honorable Award
Since 2007 the Chemistry & Biochemistry Club has hosted various workshops and events to promote the importance of science. Our primary objective is to advance and promote science education among club members and among the CSUN community at large. To this end, we plan activities and attend several science-related events throughout the year such as museum tours, lectures, workshops / demonstrations for middle and high school students. Some of our events include Sally Ride, Expanding your Horizons, J. Paul Getty Museum laboratory tour, Los Angeles Coroner's Office laboratory tour, beach clean-ups, Earth Day, and other social events. The Chemistry & Biochemistry Club accepts a variety of non-chemistry majors such as business, psychology, biology, physics, etc. Regardless of your major or knowledge of science anybody is more than welcome to join if you are interested in furthering our promotion of science to CSUN and the greater community.
2022-2023 Planned Events
17 October 2022 - Chem Club First Social - Featuring Breaking Science: Nobel Prize Edition
31 October 2022 - Chem Club Social - Featuring Introduction to Graduate School
2 November 2022 - Chem Club Outreach at Science Night organized by Valley Academy School of Arts and Sciences
ij December 2022 - Chem Club Pre-Final De-Stress Social - Featuring Ice Cream and experiments with colored large bubbles
2022-2023 Club Officers
President - Vanessa Estrada (
Vice President - Melissa Aros (
Secretary -
Treasurer - Adi Arbiv (
Historian/Public Relations - Autumn Barajas (
Faculty Co-Advisor - Kayla Kaiser (
Faculty Advisor - Ravi Abrol (
2021-2022 Club Officers
President - Brian Mazariegos
Vice President - Cynthia Avedian
Secretary - Melissa Aros
Treasurer - Jonathan Hakimian
Historian/Public Relations - Vanessa Estrada