Silvina Bamrungpong, Ph.D.

BHP Director

Silvina Image Headshot

Office location: BB 4262

Phone: (818) 677-2169

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Email for appointment.
Walk-in appointments subject to availability.

Jon Crain

BHP Graduate Assistant

Office location: BB 4264

Phone: (818) 677-3100

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Student Assistant Hours:

Program Information

Business Honors Program

Business Honors Program students are a distinguished group of high-achievers in the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics, committed to academic excellence.

Business Honors Program students are part of a select group of high-achieving students in the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics devoted to excellence in an exceptional educational program.

Benefits include: 

A Cohort-like System that allows students to take coursework with other top Business Honors students.

Annual Scholarship(s) Awarded* for continuing Business Honors Program students who apply and meet requirements.

Challenging Curriculum designed to develop critical thinking, creative and complex problem solving, teamwork, leadership, and oral and written communication skills.

Career Elevation where Business Honors alumni have gone on to work for Amazon, Deloitte LLP, Ernst & Young, Google, PwC, and other prominent businesses. High ranking employers regularly seek out Nazarian Business Honors Program students as the preferred choice for internships, mentoring, and job placement.

Dedicated and Exclusive Workspace that provides desktop computers, a printer with free printing, round tables, and chairs, and a whiteboard for students to study or have a discussion, in addition to a lounge area with a couch, microwave, and refrigerator for student use.

Networking is fostered through student attendance in Business Honors courses to build strong friendships that will last long after graduation.

Mentorship Opportunities allow students to work with faculty of any discipline within the Nazarian College towards a specific area of study or application.

Priority Registration for students provides access to required Business Honors coursework.

Specialized Academic Advisement with the Business Honors Program Director to help students stay on the path towards graduation.

Smaller class sizes** taught by experienced professors to create a dynamic and supportive environment for a deeper understanding of concepts and issues that students will likely face as future business professionals.

* Based upon academic budget each year.

** Based upon enrollment for Fall and Spring semesters. 

  • Silvina Bamrungpong (BHP Director and BHA Club Advisor)
  • Francisco Beltran Silva (BHA Club Co-Advisor)
  • Mu-Sheng Chang (FIN)
  • Wade Chumney (LAW) (BH Advisory Chair)
  • Mathew (Joe) Histen (ECON)
  • Daniel Choi (SOM - SP 2024)
  • Tao (Eric) Hu (SOM) - On Sabbatical
  • Nora Moran (MKT)
  • Cristina Rubino (MGT)
  • Jun Zhan (ACCT)
  • Danny Bustos (Alumni representative)
  • Vacant (BHP student representative)




1. Required Courses (9-units)

BUS 312BH Data Literacy for Business(3) 
BUS 489BH Systems Thinking for Organizations (3)
BUS 497BBH Capstone: Small Business Planning and Growth (3)

2. Mentorship Requirement (3-units)

Select ONE of the following:

BUS 498 Honors Mentorship (3)
FIN 491ABH-BBH Seminar in Financial Analysis (3)

3. Business Honors Designated Courses Requirement (6-units)

Each student must successfully complete 6-units of designated Business Honors (BH) courses not previously taken to satisfy the major. These courses may be elective or core classes from the list below as offered. Please note, not all coursework is offered every Spring or Fall semester. 

ECON 308BH Economics for Managers (3)
ECON 309BH The Use and Interpretation of Economic Data (3)
ECON 310BH Price Theory and Applications (3)
ECON 311BH Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve (3)
ECON 409BH Introduction to Econometrics (3)
FIN 303BH Financial Management (3)
FIN 352BH Investment Management (3)
FIN 355BH Corporate Finance (3)
MGT 360BH Management and Organizational Behavior (3)
MGT 454BH Leadership, Power and Politics (3)
MKT 304BH Marketing Management (3)
MKT 346BH Marketing Research (3)
MKT 348BH Consumer Behavior (3)
SOM 306BH Operations Management (3)

Additionally, all Business Honors Program students must maintain a 3.5 minimum cumulative GPA throughout their academic studies to fulfill the Business Honors Program requirements.

Total Units Required in the Business Honors Program: 18

NOTE: Once a student takes BUS 302 or BUS 312 in non-Honors (BH) format, they are unable to apply to the Business Honors Program. 



1. Required Courses (9-units)

BUS 312BH Data Literacy for Business (3)  OR   ECON 309BH The Use and Interpretation of Economic Data (3)
BUS 489BH Systems Thinking for Organizations (3)
BUS 497BBH Capstone: Small Business Planning and Growth (3)

2. Mentorship Requirement (3-units)

Select ONE of the following:

BUS 498 Honors Mentorship (3)
FIN 491ABH-BBH Seminar in Financial Analysis (3)

3. Business Honors Designated Courses Requirement (6-units)

Each student must successfully complete 6-units of designated Business Honors (BH) courses not taken previously to satisfy the major. These courses may be elective or core classes from the list below. Please note, not all coursework is offered every Spring or Fall semester. 

ECON 308BH Economics for Managers (3)
ECON 309BH The Use and Interpretation of Economic Data (3)**
ECON 310BH Price Theory and Applications (3)
ECON 311BH Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve (3)
ECON 409BH Introduction to Econometrics (3)
FIN 303BH Financial Management (3)
FIN 352BH Investment Management (3)
FIN 355BH Corporate Finance (3)
MGT 360BH Management and Organizational Behavior (3)
MGT 454BH Leadership, Power and Politics (3)
MKT 304BH Marketing Management (3)
MKT 346BH Marketing Research (3)
MKT 348BH Consumer Behavior (3)
SOM 306BH Operations Management (3)

**Students taking ECON 309BH for the Business Honors Program required courses cannot double-count ECON 309BH towards the 6 additional units requirement. 

Additionally, all Business Honors Program students must maintain a 3.5 minimum cumulative GPA throughout their academic studies to fulfill the Business Honors Program requirements.

Total Units Required in the Business Honors Program: 18

NOTE: Once a student takes BUS 302 or ECON 309 in non-Honors (BH) format, they are unable to apply to the Business Honors Program. 


Additional program requirements for all majors:

Each student will demonstrate active participation in activities prescribed by the Business Honors Program, for example, be available to tutor 2-hours per week during fall and spring semesters and student orientation each Fall semester. 

Each student will also participate in required academic advisement from the Business Honors Program Director each fall and spring semester.

The program offers rolling admissions, allowing students to apply and be admitted at any time during the academic year.
To be eligible for admission to the Business Honors Program, students must meet the following minimum requirements:

For High School Graduates and First-Time First-Year (Freshman) Applicants:
GPA: A cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 3.7 or higher,
Test Scores: A score in the 90th percentile or higher on the SAT or ACT.

For Current and Transfer CSUN Students:
Admitted/Incoming First-Year (Freshman): Must have a GPA of 3.7+.
Current CSUN First-Year (Freshman Standing): Must achieve a GPA of 3.25+ to continue in the Business Honors Program into the sophomore year.
Current CSUN Second-Year (Sophomore Standing): Must achieve a GPA of 3.4+ to continue into the junior year.
Current CSUN Third-Year (Junior Standing): Must maintain a GPA of 3.5+ to continue into the senior year.
Current CSUN Fourth-Year+ (Senior Standing): Must maintain a GPA of 3.5+ to graduate with Business Honors.

Interested students should submit a completed application (Application Form) to the Business Honors Program, including at least one letter of recommendation from a professor, counselor/advisor, or work manager/supervisor (Recommendation Form).
Have questions? Email our Business Honors Program Office.

Give Back to the Community

Giving back to the community is an important part of the Business Honors Program. Business Honors Program students participate in a number of philanthropic activities throughout the year. These activities have included food and clothing drives for local charitable organizations, such as M.E.N.D. Poverty - Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles AIDS Walk. The Business Honors Program selects organizations and events to work with each year.

The Business Honors Program students offer free tutoring to Nazarian College students by appointment Monday through Friday from 9 am to 6 pm  in the Business Honors Workroom (#2111).

  • 48-hours advance sign-up is required of students requesting tutoring.
  • Although tutoring is offered for a variety of classes, not all subjects are tutored each day.
  • Students may sign up for two hours of tutoring per subject, per week.
  • Students who receive tutoring should come prepared with textbooks, notes, and questions.
  • Tutors will not read and analyze cases or work on homework for students receiving tutoring.
  • Questions? Need to reschedule? Please email 

Visit the Tutoring Homepage Here.

Business Honors Association

The Business Honors Association is a student honor society consisting of the top business students at California State University, Northridge (CSUN).  As a student club, and part of the Business Honors Program, they strive to pursue academic and professional enrichment through alumni networking and mentorship, professional skills workshops, and resume-building opportunities. They give back to the community by offering free tutoring to Nazarian College business students and providing mentorship to Granada Hills Charter High School students through our DECA program. Additionally, they coordinate social events where members can meet and network with other highly motivated students from all business majors. 

Visit BHA Website


NOTE: The BHP Office is closed during academic breaks and holidays.

Silvina Bamrungpong, Ph.D.

BHP Director

Silvina Image Headshot

Office location: BB 4262

Phone: (818) 677-2169

Send email

Email for appointment.
Walk-in appointments subject to availability.

Jon Crain

BHP Graduate Assistant

Office location: BB 4264

Phone: (818) 677-3100

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Student Assistant Hours:

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