CSUN Fire Advisory and Resources – Update 1/22/2025

Health Topics and Resources

Klotz Health Promotion views wellness in a holistic way, as depicted by the 8 Dimensions of Wellness. Incorporating these dimensions into your life can help you lead a more balanced life and positively impact your academics. This page highlights CSUN resources for students within each dimension of wellness. To learn more, please watch The Eight Dimensions of Wellness video


University Counseling Services
Individual counseling, crisis intervention, groups and workshops, psychiatric consultation https://csun.edu/counseling

Campus Care Advocates
Certified Sexual Assault Counselors from Strength United, confidential resource on matters related to sexual violence, dating violence and stalking, located in the Klotz Student Health Center

Office of Equity and Diversity
Support for diversity and inclusion, Title IX, discrimination, harassment, retaliation https://www.csun.edu/eqd/


CSUN With a Heart
Resources to address students’ basic needs (e.g. food, housing, financial support)  https://www.csun.edu/heart

Financial Aid and Scholarship Department
Financial Aid, scholarships, Matacare grant (for students with urgent financial needs) https://www.csun.edu/financialaid

Women’s Research and Resource Center
WRRC Food and Toiletry Pantryhttps://www.csun.edu/wrrc

CSUN Food Pantry
Next to Sagebrush Hall https://csun.edu/mic/csun-food-pantry

CalFresh Nutrition Assistance Program

WIC Program
Supplemental nutrition for women, infants and children https://www.csun.edu/wellbeing

Food Recovery Network
Food recovered from CSUN dining locations and distributed to campus locations and local shelters to feed those in need https://www.csun.edu/heart/food


Matador Involvement Center
Clubs and Organizations, Greek life, volunteer projects https://www.csun.edu/mic/

EOP Dream Center
Resource center for undocumented students and allies https://www.csun.edu/eop/dreamcenter

Pride Center
Resource center for LGBTQIA+ students and allies https://www.csun.edu/pride

Veteran’s Resource Center
Resource center for student veterans and allies https://www.csun.edu/vrc

Associated Students
CSUN student government, sports clubs, productions, AS ticket office https://www.csun.edu/as

Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing
Mindfulness Mondays, Walkability Wednesdays https://www.csun.edu/wellbeing


University Student Union
Prayer/Meditation/Reflection Room, Foot Washing Room, USU East Conference Center


Career Center
Career exploration and advisement, Matty’s Closet (free business clothing for students), social media profiles, networking events, information sessions and speaker panels https://www.csun.edu/career


Klotz Student Health Center
(SHC) Primary and specialty care, nutrition counseling, wellness coaching, massage therapy*, physical therapy*, chiropractic*, optometry*, dental*, pharmacy* https://csun.edu/shc

Oasis Wellness Center
Massage chairs, nap pods, nutrition counseling, wellness workshops, digital e-books,    20,000 meditations, labyrinth, SHC clinical services (wellness coaching, acupuncture*, massage therapy*, reiki therapy*)https://csun.edu/oasis

Student Recreation Center
Indoor jogging track, group exercise classes, fitness evaluations, equipment orientation, swim lessons*, CPR/AED/First Aid training*, personal training* https://www.csun.edu/src

Marilyn Magaram Center
MMC Wellness Garden, garden/wellness workshops, farmers market food demonstrations, nutrition experts blog, dietary analysis*, BOD POD*https://www.csun.edu/marilyn-magaram-center

Lactation Spaces

Commit to Be Fit
Free on-campus fitness program https://www.csun.edu/wellbeing/commit-be-fit

Outdoor Adventures
Adventure trips, bike shop, team building, rental center, SRC ridge rock wall, workshops and clinics, Camp Matador https://www.csun.edu/as/outdoor-adventures

*Indicates low-cost services


Learning Resource Center
Free Math/Science tutoring, writing center, grammar lab https://csun.edu/lrc

Disability Resources and Educational Services
Accommodations for test-taking, in-class note takers, requesting alternate formats (e.g. Braille, electronic text) https://www.csun.edu/dres

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services https://www.csun.edu/ncod


Institute for Sustainability
Sustainability Food Garden, water refill stations https://www.csun.edu/sustainability

Botanic Garden
1.5-acre Garden and Greenhouse Complex, 1,200 plant species, near Chaparral Hall

Orange Grove & Pond
orange trees, turtles, geese, koi www.csun.edu/facilities/csun-orange-grove-and-pond


Training in Intervention Procedures (TIPs) Training

TIPS for the University is a three-hour program that helps students make sound choices when faced with difficult decisions about alcohol use. Let Klotz Health Promotion train your club or organization. Contact Valerie Ipatzi, Health Education Assistant valerie.ipatzi@csun.edu for more information.

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