University Point of Contact

The Chief of Police, Alfredo Fernandez, serves as the Designated Official for CSUN, overseeing notifications of federal immigration orders and verifying the legality of related warrants, court orders, and subpoenas.

Phone: 818-677-2111
Emergency: 911
Address: 9222 Darby Ave, Northridge, CA 91325
(Corner of Prairie St and Darby Ave)


NOTE: The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are intended to provide CSUN specific guidance as a supplement to the CSU FAQs. Review of both CSUN and CSU information is recommended.

University police officers will not contact, detain, question or arrest an individual solely on the basis of suspected undocumented immigration status or to discover the immigration status of any individual, and DPS will not undertake joint efforts with federal immigration enforcement authorities to investigate, detain or arrest individuals for violation of federal immigration law.

CSUN is a public university and a large portion of CSUN property is open to the general public. CSUN does not have authority to prohibit federal immigration enforcement officers from coming on campus in public areas.

In non-public spaces, public access is limited at CSUN because of privacy concerns, operational needs or safety considerations. University buildings and spaces in which access is physically restricted, such as by key card, locked doors or monitored entryways, including university housing, fall into this category. Nonpublic areas of the university also include some that may normally be left unlocked during the workday, including, for example, administrative or faculty offices, classrooms while classes are in session, locker rooms, research laboratories, kitchens and food preparation areas, maintenance areas, storage facilities and physical plant operations.

CSUN employees are not required to affirmatively assist federal immigration authorities or grant permission to enter nonpublic areas of the university when officers do not have a judicial warrant or court order to enter. If you see federal immigration enforcement officers, have reason to believe they are coming to campus or have concerns about their activity on campus, you should immediately contact DPS by calling 818-677-2111.

If you are an employee and this occurs within your office, reception area or other limited access work area, you should do the following:

  • Inform the federal immigration enforcement officer that you do not have the authority to grant access to your space or respond to their requests. State that you are not obstructing their process but that you are going to contact your department manager and DPS for guidance. Do not escalate the situation and do not provide any information about students, faculty or staff.
  • Immediately contact your department manager and together decide who will reach out to DPS and provide a description of what is occurring. DPS will provide guidance as to where the enforcement officers should be directed away from your work area and/or they will respond to your location to assist. Contact DPS by calling 818-677-2111.
  • The department manager/director is responsible for immediately notifying the division vice president.

Special care should be taken to make sure frontline student employees understand what steps to take should enforcement activity occur while they are on duty.

If you are an instructor and an immigration enforcement officer attempts to or enters your classroom, you should do the following:

  • Inform the federal immigration enforcement officer that you do not have authority to grant access to your classroom or respond to their requests. State that you are not obstructing their process but that you are going to contact the appropriate department administrator and DPS for guidance. Do not escalate the situation or provide information about students in the classroom.
  • Pause the class while you reach out for assistance. Immediately contact DPS by calling 818-677-2111 and provide a description of what is occurring. DPS will provide guidance as to where the enforcement officer(s) should be directed away from your classroom and/or will respond to your location.
  • Contact the college dean’s office as soon as possible and provide a description of what has occurred to seek guidance on any necessary next steps. If available, the dean may also be consulted regarding how best to resume the class; however, the final decision will rest with the instructor. As a reminder for instructors, if there is something to report, anyone may do so by calling the Department of Police Services (DPS) at 818-677-2111, both in the evenings and during the daytime.

The Office of the Dean is responsible for immediately notifying the Provost as well as the department chair.

The only areas on campus or in the residential community where officers can enter without consent are public spaces, i.e., typically outdoor areas. Student housing residences are considered private spaces. The Executive Director of Student Housing and Residential Life is responsible for ensuring both residents and employees are provided with specific guidance as to how best to respond to immigration enforcement officers seeking to enter housing facilities.

Federal immigration enforcement officers seeking to enter private offices or limited access areas should be informed that you do not have authority to grant access to your space or respond to their requests. State that you are not obstructing their process but that you are going to contact the appropriate department manager and DPS for guidance. Do not escalate the situation or provide information about any student, faculty or staff. Immediately contact your department manager and together decide who will reach out to DPS and provide a description of what is occurring. DPS will provide guidance as to where the enforcement officers should be directed away from your work area and/or they will respond to your location to assist. Contact DPS by calling 818-677-2111.

If you are presented with a warrant or some enforcement document by a federal immigration enforcement officer who is seeking to enter housing, private or other limited access areas of your workspace, inform the officer that you must contact the appropriate department manager and DPS for guidance.

Do not escalate the situation. Immediately contact your department manager and together decide who will reach out to DPS for guidance. Contact the DPS by calling 818-677-2111 and provide a description of what is occurring. DPS will provide guidance as to where the officers should be directed away from your work area and/or will respond to your location.

For student records – Advise that all student records subpoenas are accepted by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs in Valera Hall 310 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and provide the office number, 818-677-2391.

Faculty or Staff records – Advise that all stateside faculty and staff records subpoenas, including student employment records, are accepted by the Office of Human Resources in Valera Hall 170 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and provide the office number, 818-677-6566.

All employees (faculty, staff, student employees) presented with a subpoena are also encouraged to reach out to their manager for assistance if needed.

Auxiliary employees should check with their respective auxiliary Human Resources department.

Detailed information about rights, laws and regulations be found on the Red Card and at the CSUN Immigration Information & Services Resource hub.

University Point of Contact

The Chief of Police, Alfredo Fernandez, serves as the Designated Official for CSUN, overseeing notifications of federal immigration orders and verifying the legality of related warrants, court orders, and subpoenas.

Phone: 818-677-2111
Emergency: 911
Address: 9222 Darby Ave, Northridge, CA 91325
(Corner of Prairie St and Darby Ave)

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