César Chávez Holiday Closure

Book an Appointment

with an SSC/EOP Academic Advisor



Contact Us

Phone: 818-677-4767 or 818-677-4784

Send email

Jerome Richfield 240

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m to Noon & 1 to 5 p.m 

Advisement Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 11:30 a.m & 1:30 to 4:30 p.m

Drop-in advisement is available during the first and last two weeks of the semester.

Advising & Student Services Center/ EOP

The College of Humanities Student Services Center/ EOP Satellite offers a wide variety of student support services to recruit, retain, and promote successful degree completion for students with declared majors in the College of Humanities. Holistic services offered include:

  • New incoming student advising for EOP freshmen and transfer students
  • Academic advisement and graduation planning for continuing students
  • Career/graduate school planning and mentoring
  • Referrals to College and University resources for academic, personal, and professional development
  • Understanding basic financial aid information
  • SSC/EOP staff also provide additional specialized services to Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students


The Student Services Center/Educational Opportunity Program office is committed to providing services that will facilitate student success. We believe that a collaborative environment that brings together students, faculty, and staff will assist students in realizing their goals.

The primary responsibility of the College of Humanities SSC/EOP is to provide academic and non-academic support services to students who have declared majors and minors in the departments and programs housed in the College of Humanities, though any student, regardless of major, is eligible to seek and receive assistance at the Center. While the SSC/EOP strives to provide assistance to all, its paramount goal is to promote retention and graduation rates among target groups, including Educational Opportunity Program students, first-time freshmen, first-time transfer students, probationary students, and previously disqualified students.

Academic advisement is available virtually and in-person. Appointments can be requested through EAB or through this request form.

Generally, academic advisement is not mandatory as long as you remain in good academic standing. Students following an Academic Performance Agreement or on academic notice are required to complete academic advisement at least once per semester. Also, students majoring and/or minoring in certain departments may be required to meet with an academic advisor to clear a registration hold.

Students interested in finding out more information about attending CSUN should contact the Office of Student Outreach & Recruitment to meet with a Pre-Admissions Counselor.

Assist.org serves as a resource for course articulation. You can utilize the information on this site to identify transferable coursework.

Continuing students interested in academic advisement in the College of Humanities SSC/EOP should fill out this request form. Students may also schedule their academic advisement appointments through EAB.

Students will have a registration hold during the semester immediately following placement on academic notice and each fall and spring semester thereafter while on academic notice. Prior to registration, students must schedule an appointment with an advisor by completing this form. The registration hold will be removed once the student has been advised.

Academic advisement is mandatory for all first-time freshmen prior to registration. The College of Humanities Student Services Center/ EOP advises and mentors first-year students (FTF) who are admitted to the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP).

Academic advisement is mandatory prior to registration for all first-year students. The College of Humanities SSC/EOP offers academic advising and mentoring services tailored for newly admitted and continuing EOP students enrolled in majors within the College of Humanities. Specialized support services are also provided for EOP students majoring in Deaf Studies, as well as the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies.

All other FTF (first-years) should schedule their mandatory advisement sessions with the Matador Advising Hub

To ensure a smooth and successful transition to CSUN, advisement is highly recommended prior to registration for all incoming transfer students. You may schedule through EAB or/and this interest form.

All Questions

Kent Baxter, Associate Dean (kent.baxter@csun.edu)

General Advising Questions

Marvin Villanueva, Director COH Student Services Center (movillan@csun.edu)

General Advising, Careers in the Humanities, Community Service Opportunities

Vanessa Martinez, Graduation and Retention Specialist (Vanessa.martinez@csun.edu)

Community Service Learning

Danielle Spratt, Director, Office of Community Engagement, (danielle.spratt@csun.edu)


Heidi Schumacher, Internship Coordinator, English (Heidi.schumacher@csun.edu)

Jennifer Thompson, Director, Jewish Studies (jennifer.a.thompson@csun.edu)

All Department/Major/Minor Specific Questions

Asian American Studies

Student Advisor: Edith Chen (edith.chen@csun.edu)

Central American and Transborder Studies

Student Advisor: Douglas Carranza (douglas.carranza@csun.edu)

Chicana and Chicano Studies

Student Advisor: Theresa Montaño, Associate Chair (theresa.montano@csun.edu)

Grad Advisor: Peter Garcia (peter.garcia@csun.edu)


Student Advisor: Colleen Tripp, Associate Chair (colleen.tripp@csun.edu)

Grad Advisor: Scott Kleinman (scott.kleinman@csun.edu)

Creative Writing Advisor: Leilani Hall (leilani.hall@csun.edu)

English Subject Matter Advisor: Dorothy Clark (dorothy.g.clark@csun.edu)

Gender and Women’s Studies

Student Advisor: Tina Beyene (tina.beyene@csun.edu)

Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies

General student advisement: Jonathan B. Martinez, ITEP Director (jonathan.b.martinez@csun.edu)

ITEP Junior advisement: Mary Dudley and/or Martha Campos, Advisor (mary.dudley@csun.edu; martha.campos@csun.edu)

Interdisciplinary Studies advisement: Dr. Mauro Carassai (mauro.carassai@csun.edu)

General Teacher Preparation and Community Service advisement: Dr. Krystal Howard, Associate Chair (krystal.howard@csun.edu)

Sustainability Minor advisement: Dr. Sindhuja Bhakthavatsalam (sindhuja.bhakthavatsalam@csun.edu)


Student Advisor: Stephanie Kim, Associate Chair (stephanie.kim@csun.edu)

Grad Advisor: Laura Ruth-Hirrel (laura.hirrel@csun.edu)

Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures:

Armenian: Vahram Shemmassian (vahram.shemmassian@csun.edu)

Chinese: Junliang Huang (junliang.huang@csun.edu)

Classics: Tim Watson (tim.watson@csun.edu)

Japanese: Drake Langford (drake.langford@csun.edu)

Arabic, French, Hebrew, Italian, Korean, Persian, Russian: Adrián Pérez-Boluda


Spanish (A-F): Svetlana Tyutina (svetlana.tyutina@csun.edu)

Spanish (G-M): Ane Icardo Isasa (ane.icardo@csun.edu)

Spanish (N-T): Axel Montepeque (axel.montepeque@csun.edu)

Spanish (U-Z): Adrian Perez-Boluda (adrian.perez-boluda@csun.edu)

Spanish-Single Subject Matter: Adrian Perez-Boluda (adrian.perez-boluda@csun.edu)

Spanish M.A.: Svetlana Tyutina (svetlana.tyutina@csun.edu)


Student Advisor: Kristina Meshelski (kristina.meshelski@csun.edu)

Religious Studies:

Student Advisor: Amanda Baugh (Amanda.baugh@csun.edu)

American Indian Studies

Student Advisor: Teresa Williams Leon, Director (Teresa.williams-leon@csun.edu)

Civic and Community Engagement

Student Advisor: Amanda Baugh, Director (Amanda.baugh@csun.edu)

Jewish Studies

Student Advisor: Jennifer Thompson, Director (jennifer.a.thompson@csun.edu)

Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies

Student Advisor: Khanum Shaikh, Director (khanum.shaikh@csun.edu)

Queer Studies

Student Advisor: Sheena Malhotra, Director (sheena.malhotra@csun.edu)

Disability Studies

Student Advisor: Leilani Hall, Director (leilani.hall@csun.edu)

Book an Appointment

with an SSC/EOP Academic Advisor



Contact Us

Phone: 818-677-4767 or 818-677-4784

Send email

Jerome Richfield 240

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8 a.m to Noon & 1 to 5 p.m 

Advisement Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 11:30 a.m & 1:30 to 4:30 p.m

Drop-in advisement is available during the first and last two weeks of the semester.

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