Our Staff

One of the things that sets us apart is that our employees have children or family members with disabilities. We are here to provide support to families as they navigate through systems that are in place to enrich the lives of children and young adults who are living with various and unique physical, developmental, and emotional abilities.

Ivor Weiner, Principal Investigator and Professor of Special Education
How did you find out about FFRC?
In 2001, Dr. Ann Bisno, professor emeritus, recruited me as the assistant director. Ann retired in 2007, and I assumed leadership of the FFRC in 2007.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
Being able to help families and individuals and witness the incredible job the staff does.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
I share the North Los Angeles County Regional Center. A personal share with families is to always focus on the strengths of their loved ones!

Victoria Berrey, Director
How did you find out about FFRC?
I came to FFRC as a parent looking for information about my son's transition from Early Start to preschool. Later, I started working for FFRC as a part-time parent support specialist, and I have never left!
What do you like best about working for FFRC?
I like continuing my knowledge of parent-to-parent support and disability-related issues by collaborating with local and statewide organizations and participating in legislative education and advocacy. I also love facilitating the Parents of Adult Consumers support group!
What is the resource you share with families most often?
I'm a big supporter of the Special Olympics of Southern California, and Carousel Ranch's Ready to Work program.

Theresa Quary, Outreach Specialist Manager
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found out about FFRC when one of their staff provided a transition to preschool training at my child's Early Start program. The training was helpful and taught me how to keep my child's reports, immunization records and more in one place. While I may not have had it well organized, I did become more mindful of putting items in a binder.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I enjoy being able to assist families with supports that can help them raise their child with a disability. These supports can be referrals to services but mostly making connections to other families that have experienced the journey.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
Resource I share most: Disability Rights of California Special Education Rights & Responsibilities https://serr.disabilityrightsca.org/

Diana Chulak, Program Manager
How did you find out about FFRC?
When my first son was diagnosed with autism at age 3, I called FFRC desperate for help. I spoke with Theresa Quary, who helped me find some resources right away and gave me the support I needed to get to the next step. Six years later I was hired as a Family Support Provider at the CSUN office, and it has been one of the best decisions I ever made!
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I like being able to say "Yes, we can help you find what you need." At previous jobs, I could not help everyone who needed it, but here I can always help. Sometimes it may be just to listen to a parent, and I am so happy to do so.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
My support group! Join Parent Check in & Chat once a month on Thursdays from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, meet other parents to share what is happening in your life and get resources and tips. I hope to see you there!

Rebeca Diaz, Bilingual Family Support Provider
How did you find out about FFRC?
Before joining the FFRC as part of the staff, I was a member of their Cultivar y Crecer support group.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I like to support other families, listen to them, make them feel that they are not alone and that we truly understand them. I like to see how the families we help become empowered little by little and begin to advocate better for their children.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
IEP workshops

Tessie Asuncion, Family Support Provider
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found out about FFRC when I met Theresa Quary during a tour of CHIME's Early Intervention Program when my son was 4 years old. At the time, he had been recently diagnosed with autism and I was unsure and hesitant on what I could do to help him. Through FFRC, I was able to join wonderful support groups, attend great community events, and meet many people that have provided me with valuable services and social activities for my family.
What do you like best about working for FFRC?
What I like best about working at FFRC is being able to use my past knowledge and skills to offer guidance and support to our community. I really enjoy meeting new and existing families and helping them based upon what I've learned and experienced throughout the years. We are a special community and FFRC brings everyone together to support each other and be the best advocates for our families and loved ones with disabilities.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
The resources I share with families the most often are the social recreation services provided through The Regional Center. I am a big supporter of inclusion for our children and the ability to give them opportunities to be a part of the community. I recently discovered the Special Olympics and I'm looking forward to learning more about this program and promoting it to the families.

Noli Wiesen, Administrative Assistant
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found out about FFRC from other a mom of my son's friends.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
The best thing about working for FFRC is seeing how many people we help by answering questions and providing resources. I also love knowing that everyone who works for FFRC has a child or family member with a disability. We truly invest in our work.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
The resource I share most often is our support groups.

Bonnie Kaley, Data Analyst
How did you find out about FFRC?
A friend mentioned the ad, so I applied.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I like knowing we are working with families that need us.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
I like to share our YouTube channel and social media.

Morgan Skeries, Social Media Specialist
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found out about the FFRC through a family friend connection!
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I love feeling like I am making a difference in the lives of families!
What is the resource you share with families most often?
Our YouTube page! It's a wonderful resource to find any recent and past workshops, with access to lots of helpful information!

Shawn Martinez, Digital Asset Management Specialist
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found out about FFRC through my aunt. She keeps up with Regional Center related organizations and she happened to share the FFRC Instagram page with me.
What do you like best about working for FFRC?
I like that everyone here is understanding and strives to provide families with the best support possible.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
Our social media pages! Specifically, the FFRC YouTube page. Make sure to check that out!

Connie Wong, Assistant Professor of Early Childhood / Special Education and Research Consultant
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found information online when I was applying for the faculty position in early childhood special education and thought it would be fun to collaborate with FFRC.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
Bringing the CSUN teacher candidates to run a fun table providing information sheets to families and an activity for the kids at the All Abilities Resource Fair.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
The FFRC and the CHIME Institute Infant/Toddler and Preschool Inclusion programs.

Fatima Castaneda, Coordinator
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found out through a teacher when I was taking a class at a Community College. She encouraged me to apply when she found out I had a son with autism.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I enjoy empowering parents, making a positive impact on their child's education, and connecting them with community resources, other parents, and professionals. I also love that we always have the opportunity to learn something new.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
IEP information and Generic resources (specifically information about SSI, IHSS and Conservatorship)

Tim Carter, Family Support Provider, Chatsworth Office
How did you find out about FFRC?
Googling local disability support resources.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
The support and insight I receive from my co-workers.
What is the resource you share with families most often?Lately SDP comes up often, and I share information from NLACRC's site, including their orientation schedule.

Monica Garcia, Bilingual Family Support Provider
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found out about FFRC from my Caseworker at the Regional Center.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
What I like best about working for FFRC is that I'm able to connect with families that are going through the same or similar challenges that I've been through and I'm able to help them to be an advocate for their kids.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
The resources that I share with families the most are our Generic Services workshops, IEP Essentials workshops, and the K.E.N Project.

Lordie Honrado, Family Support Provider
How did you find out about FFRC?
I learned about FFRC from a flyer I saw at McRory Pediatrics where my daughter attends for therapy. From then on, we always borrowed toys & books from the FFRC library.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
What do you like best about working at FFRC? The people who work here! They are very passionate about what they do, they really go out of their way to reach out to families and provide resources to help them, especially those first-time families who have a child with a disability.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
First, I always share what we offer, such as our IEP Essentials, Generic Services Workshops, and various support groups. I also always encourage them to sign up for our newsletter, so they are updated about any events happening in our community.

Wendy Hall, Antelope Valley Coordinator
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found out about FFRC while researching resources for my own child years ago. When a position became available, I knew I wanted to be a part of this amazing company.
What do you like best about working for FFRC?
I like being in the position to assist families through a time that can be so difficult for many.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
The resource that is most shared here in the Antelope Valley office is Mental Health services.

Samantha Moreno, Family Support Provider
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found FFRC on Instagram through mutual followers.
What do you like best about working for FFRC?
I like that everyone at FFRC has personal experiences with those with a disability. It gives the organization a personal touch and understanding for families.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
The resource I share most often are our website, and YouTube. As well as information on IHSS.

Lilah Sosa, Library Assistant
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found out about FFRC through my grandmother. We were looking for resources for my brother and cousins, and she stumbled upon this site. Because of my work experience, she recommended that I apply.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I like being able to connect with families and share any knowledge I have gained along my journey.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
I share recreation resources most often by request and IEP information.

Katharyn Sinelli, Coordinator, Community Navigator Program
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
Family Focus is such a supportive team. We all have different experiences and can work together to help families.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
I often share SCDD's strategy guides for IEPs and IPPs.

Kristie Lacy, Community Navigator
How did you find out about FFRC?
I was connected by my son's service coordinator at the Regional Center.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I like using what I've learned as a parent to help other families. I've been there, I get it and I often learn new things from the families that I work with. I love the empowerment that comes with knowledge and getting to share that with each other.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
The FFRC YouTube channel for sure.

Eva Erazo, Bilingual Community Navigator
How did you find out about FFRC?
Through my Consumer Service Coordinator at Regional Center.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I enjoy being able to help parents with services and I get the opportunity to make a difference.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
How to obtain IHSS and Social Rec services.

Xochitl Trammell, Bilingual Community Navigator
How did you find out about FFRC?
I discovered FFRC while exploring campus in search of resources for my family members. I stumbled upon a flier and was intrigued to learn more. After visiting their website, I was impressed by how the CSUN FFRC is dedicated to filling the gaps for families seeking various support services.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
What I love most about working at FFRC is connecting with parents who are passionate about serving others and helping them access the services they need. I also appreciate that FFRC reaches so many communities, including Santa Clarita, San Fernando Valley, and Antelope Valley, making a real impact across these diverse areas.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
Two of the resources I share with families are SNAP and Medi-Cal, as they provide essential support for food assistance and healthcare. I know how challenging the process can be, but I am here to help support families and navigate these programs one step at a time.

Toni Walker, Community Navigator
How did you find out about FFRC?
I'm a graduate student in the Public Health Program at CSUN, and when I found the Community Navigator position I applied right away because it struck a chord with me. My son was referred to the Regional Center at birth when he failed the hearing screening twice, so I've been in these systems for a few years. I could have used the help of FFRC and the Navigators, and I feel strongly about supporting other parents.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I hope that there are other workplaces like FFRC out there. It's a dedicated community of parents who do all of the small tasks that snowball to make a difference in the lives of families.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
I always make sure that families know about basic needs programs like Cal Fresh, and WIC. No family should be struggling to put food on the table.

Sophia Torres, Community Navigator Intern
How did you find out about FFRC?
I found out about FFRC through tabling at CSUN, but I got to know more about them through reading their profile on Handshake.
What do you like best about working at FFRC?
I love being in the office, the team here is so nice and dedicated to helping others. It's an amazing environment to work in.
What is the resource you share with families most often?
The resource I share with families the most is the FFRC YouTube channel. It is full of helpful information, guides, and presentations.