Troubleshooting the Employment Application

If you encounter problems in completing the on-line employment application process, please try the following: 

If... Then...
You are a Mac/Safari user and your resume is appearing garbled.

Verify your document attachments have a .doc, .docx, or .pdf extension in order to properly upload.

You did not receive an e-mail notification of successful resume submission. Log back into CSUN’s Careers homepage, open My Profile and verify your e-mail address is typed correctly ORCheck to see if your e-mail spam filter has placed the CSUN notification in a junk folder; add to your list of accepted senders.

You want to know the status of a job opening.

Visit the CSUN Careers homepage and click on Status of Job openings or email . 

You receive an error message trying to access one of the CSUN Careers pages.

Please clear your browser memory cache and try again. Internet Explorer users visit the Tools menu option, choose Internet Options, then click on Delete Cookies, Delete Files (including offline content) and Clear History.  Click OK to finalize.

You would like to attach a cover letter but are not sure how.

Choose Cover Letters and Attachments on the My Career Tools box or page.  Only one document per document type can be attached at a given time.  These attachments can be edited or deleted after the upload.  Attachments will accompany all applications if applying to multiple positions.

You need to update or correct your contact information.

Log in to the CSUN Careers homepage, open My Profile and edit as necessary.  Remember to click the yellow Save button before you exit.

Your log in doesn’t seem to be working from an embedded link in a reply e-mail from CSUN.

Visit the main Employment Opportunities page and log in from the Returning Job Seekers link instead.

You have forgotten your log in information.

Click on Login Help from the CSUN Careers homepage.  

You have been logged out of the Careers homepage.

Log back in through the main Employment Opportunities website.  If you do not enter any information for 30 minutes, the system will log you out.

You try to submit or save your application for later, and receive a red text message or pop-up window saying you have not entered all required fields.

Please visit each section of the application and review for completeness.  The Education History and Referral sections in particular must be complete.  Submitting without correcting the fields triggering the red text error message may cause the application to submit completely empty of all information and cannot be retracted.  Look for data fields that may have the terms Unknown Entry or Update Field.

You don’t see your issue listed here.

Please contact CSUN Recruitment Services at .  

You are receiving a “verify age” error.

Try to apply to the jobs one at a time.  This error sometimes occurs when applying for multiple positions at once.


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