César Chávez Holiday Closure

Fire-Related Information and Resources

Air Quality:
Your one-stop source for air quality data.

Essential resources and information you can access immediately.

Cal Fire:
Essential resources and information you can access immediately.

County of Los Angeles Emergency Updates & Alerts:
Provides updates on wildfires throughout the County as well as resources for those who may have been impacted.

Cybercriminal Scam Update
Cybercriminals are exploiting the ongoing Southern California wildfires by using fire-related themes to launch phishing scams and fraudulent fundraising campaigns. Visit the Information Security website for tips on how to protect yourself.

FEMA Disaster Recover Center Locator:
A tool to help you find the hours, services, and locations of a Disaster Recovery Center near you, as soon as they are established.

FEMA and Small Business Administration Assistance:
FEMA and Small Business Administration assistance to individuals and businesses including critical needs for evacuating and temporary lodging, direct grants for damage to homes and medical costs, as well as Business Physical Disaster Loans, Economic Injury Disaster Loans, and Home Disaster Loans.
1-800-621-FEMA (3362)or use the @fema app.

LA County Assessor:
Disaster relief information for property owners and FAQs about disaster relief.

LA County Traffic:
Provides traffic updates and road closure information.

National Weather Service:
Utilized by Los Angeles City and LA County emergency management services to monitor weather-related impacts across the region.

Southern California Edison Outage Map:
Provides detailed information on Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) and their affected areas.

LA Emergency Management:
Provides emergency management resources in Los Angeles and red flag restrictions.

Matador Relief Fund
President Beck has directed the reinstatement of the Matador Relief Fund. This fund exists to support employees who have experienced extreme hardship.

If you have been impacted by the fires, please complete the Matador Relief Fund Form to request funding support. We recommend you complete the form by Friday, January 17, 2025. Please reach out to HR Employee Relations at 818-677-6566 if you need any assistance in completing the form.

Catastrophic Leave
For CSUN state-side employees, CSU policy and MOUs have been updated to allow for catastrophic leave for natural disasters/state emergencies.

Employees are eligible for catastrophic leave when the following conditions exist:

  1. their principal residence is located in a county where a state of emergency has been declared by the Governor;
  2. they are unable to work due to the effect of the natural disaster/state of emergency on the recipient employee’s principal residence;
  3. they need time away from work but face financial hardship due to having exhausted all accrued personal holiday (PH) credits and compensating time off (CTO) and all or most hours vacation credits and sick leave credits. Governor Newsom has declared a state emergency covering the current fire events.

Please contact HR Employee Relations at er@csun.edu to request Catastrophic leave. Auxiliary employees should check with their respective Human Resources administrator on leave options.

Housing Resources

  • The University Corporation (TUC) at CSUN is committed to assisting the campus community with housing resources. TUC’s Housing Resource Officer, Linda Turner, is available to provide referral guidance. Please reach out to linda.turner@csun.edu, or call or text 818-470-8392.
  • AirBnB and 211 – To support residents who have been displaced from their homes or forced to evacuate by the wildfires, AirBnB is partnering with 211 LA to offer free temporary housing. The program is currently focused on those in the Altadena, Malibu, Pacific Palisades, Pasadena, Santa Monica, and Sylmar areas. Impacted residents can request assistance by filling out this intake form. Please note, spaces are limited, and completing the form does not guarantee a stay. Eligibility criteria apply.

Employee Assistance Program / CALM

  • LifeMatters Employee Assistance program has services beyond counseling and can assist with obtaining legal resources as well as assistance with finding housing, disaster planning and mental health resources. Empathia has also developed a resource website specific to the fires. Please login to the CSUN portal and navigate to the HR, Benefits dropdown for access instructions.
  • Calm for CSUN Employees - A resource designed to assist with stress, relaxation, and overall wellness. Employees with Kaiser Permanente as their health plan provider already have access to Calm and may sign-up directly through Kaiser. All other state-side employees, should visit the Calm webpage and follow the instructions to gain full access to the many resources available.

Other Resources

  • CA.gov/LAfires – California has launched a comprehensive hub for information and resources from state, local, and federal agencies. This platform is designed to guide wildfire survivors on applying for assistance and accessing the help they need.
  • California Casualty – Customers of California Casualty can view CalCas.com or call 1-800-800-9410, option 4 for assistance with claims.
  • W2 / address information – employees may access their W-2 and earning statements via the Cal Employee Connect portal. Please visit Cal Employee Connect information page to set up an account and access documents. Employees may also update mailing addresses through the CSUN portal, under the HR, Personal Information dropdown. For any questions, please contact payroll@csun.edu.
  • Emergency – COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. LA County Emergency webpage provides numerous resources including and not limited to the following:
    • Lyft: Riders in need can use the code CAFIRERELIEF25, valid for 2 rides up to $25 each ($50 total) for 500 riders from now until 1/15 at 11:59 p.m.
    • Uber: Use promo code WILFIRE25 in the wallet section of your Uber app to redeem a free Uber ride up to $40.
    • Metro: Fare collection for rides on Metro has been suspended systemwide while fire conditions exist. For up-to-date information please visit https://www.metro.net/.

For any further questions and/or support please contact HR Employee Relations at er@csun.edu or 818-677-6566 or Faculty Affairs at faculty.affairs@csun.edu or 818-677-2962.

  • The Office of Basic Needs will serve as the primary point of contact for students with resource needs.  Information about services available can be found at https://www.csun.edu/heart. Services include the Food Pantry, CalFresh food assistance, and housing navigation supportThe Basic Needs office will also update the website regarding emergency housing and financial resources as this information becomes available.

The Office of Basic Needs can also assist with referral to community-based resources such as those available through FEMA, LA City and County agencies.

The Basic Needs Emergency Housing Fund is pleased to offer a Fire Recovery Emergency Housing Grant for impacted students.  This one-time grant will assist students who were evacuated and in need of financial resources for temporary relocation or students whose homes were destroyed or rendered uninhabitable.  Starting on Thursday, January 16th, application information can be found at https://www.csun.edu/heart .   

  • The MataCare Emergency Fund is pleased to offer an Emergency Relief Grant for Fire-Impacted Students.  This one-time grant will assist students with non-housing expenses, such as school supplies, travel costs and personal item expenses resulting from the fires.   Starting on Thursday, January 16th, application information can be found at:   https://www.csun.edu/financialaid/matacare-emergency-grant 
  • University Counseling Services is prepared to support any student experiencing emotional or psychological impacts from the trauma of the wildfires. Students are urged to reach out to University Counseling Services at (818) 677-2366.  Information about services available can be found at https://www.csun.edu/counseling, and includes 24/7 crisis/urgent care services.
  • The Device Loaner Program provides students access to laptops, tablets and hotspots for one semester.  Students may make an appointment to checkout a device online at https://library.csun.edu/technology/dlp.
  • The Associated Students provides access to various forms of transportation assistance, including the Metro U-Pass. Please visit the AS Ticket Office website at https://www.csun.edu/as/departments/ticket-office and follow the Transportation navigation to explore services that may be helpful.

Many employees have asked how they can help. For employees who are not impacted and would like to support those who are, here are a few options.

  • For CSUN stateside employees, donating leave time is a great way to support fellow matadors. Donations may only be made in full hour increments. If you are interested in donating vacation and/or sick hours please contact HR Employee Relations at er@csun.edu.

  • You can also make a gift and support one of two funds within the CSUN Foundation designed to support CSUN students, faculty and staff in need. The MataCare Emergency Grant fund is available to support students with unforeseen expenses and the Matador Relief Fund helps CSUN employees directly impacted by the fires and other unforeseen emergencies. We will continue to update resources as available. Please refer to the CSUN Advisory, located on the CSUN homepage.

CalPERS Health Plans – Accessing Care During a Disaster

CalPERS health plans have provided information for members who may be impacted
and/or displaced during a natural disaster. The CalPERS website includes an FAQ that
answers several critical questions such as continuity of care, network access,
prescription fulfillment and facility closures. You can also call CalPERS directly at (888)

Health Advocate  SM  Resources through The Standard

In partnership with The Standard, anyone impacted by the California Wildfires can
access on demand support via Health Advocate   by calling (866) 799-2921. Health
Advocate can provide resources regarding shelter, aid and more. There is no charge to
call the Health Advocate team. Learn more on their flyer.

ARAG Legal Insurance

Policy holders who have questions about the insurance coverage(s) on their properties
can get access to Immediate Advice attorneys who can provide assistance as needed.
Members can reach Immediate Advice Attorneys by calling ARAG Customer Care at
(800) 247-4184. Additional resources can be found in these articles: Help During a
Natural Disaster
 and Six Legal Tips After A Disaster.

In addition, ARAG has expanded their services to non-members through March 31, 2025. If you are interested in using ARAG services, please email benefitsadministration@csun.edu for more information.

VSP Vision Insurance

Impacted VSP members can receive no-cost eye care and replacement eyewear if your
eyewear was lost in the recent wildfires. Any VSP member who has lost or broken their
eyewear due to the LA fires can call our Member Services Support Line at (800) 877-
7195 to have their VSP benefits reinstated regardless of eligibility. Individuals without
VSP coverage can contact their local American Red Cross chapter or shelter or call
(800) RED-CROSS (800) 733-2767 to ask about support for replacement eyewear,
which may include VSP Eyes of Hope gift certificates or an alternative solution. Learn
more on VSP’s website.

Delta Dental Insurance

Delta Dental affirms their commitment to provide access to care and assistance to
impacted members during this difficult time. Delta Dental will make accommodations for
our Los Angeles and Ventura County members impacted by the fires including but not
limited to authorization of replacement of dental equipment (retainers, dentures,
partials) and access to an appropriate out-of-network provider, if an in-network provider
is unavailable due to the state of emergency and/or displacement. Any member who
has special or extenuating circumstances as a result of the fires should call Delta Dental
Customer Service for assistance at (800) 626-3108.

Supplemental Retirement Plan – 403(b) 

If you have a 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan account through Fidelity
Investments, you may be eligible to withdraw money from your account under certain

circumstances, even while still working. Certain taxes and penalties may apply. To learn
more and see what options may be available, visit Fidelity’s website.

Savings Plus Program – 401(k)/457(b)

If you have a Savings Plus supplemental retirement savings account, you may be eligible to
withdraw money from your account under certain circumstances, even while still working. Visit
the Savings Plus website to see what options may be available. Certain taxes and penalties
may apply. To learn more, go to Savings Plus website.

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