Direct Pay Transactions - Department Specific
- Accreditation fees and expenses: lodging, meals, transportation, expenses required by accreditation.
- Business meals for personnel recruitment purposes only.
- Conference fees for students.
- Copier overage/meter charges (only those charges which exceed the annual volume as stated on the maintenance agreement).
- Copier parts (e.g., any parts, drum kits needed during a service call, if you have an existing copier maintenance agreement).
- Extended Learning course registration.
- Fees for reports or filing reports (e.g., South Coast Air Quality Management District, annual filing fee for reporting, court access record fees).
- Guest Speaker payments to non-CSUN personnel (individuals only). Payments to companies must be processed by the requisition/purchase order process.
- Guest Speaker related expenses; light refreshments/meals hosted by CSUN for non-personnel Guest Speaker.
- Hotel charges: for personnel recruitment purposes only.
- Interview expenses: for personnel recruitment purposes only.
- Medical examinations.
- Page charges and reprint.
- Permits and licenses (e.g., FDA chemical purchases permits. Excludes software license agreements).
- Travel reimbursement for non-state employees.
- University Auxiliaries: services provided by auxiliary organizations (e.g., food services, space rental, etc.).
Quarterly rental payments to Department of Parks and Recreation.
(License agreement on file in Purchasing & Contract Administration).
- Artist models.
- IntersectLA – Web/Graphic Design.
- Athletic game services.
- Game agreements: guarantees and entry fees.
- Game officials designated by conference associations.
- Track & Field ONLY: student mileage reimbursement; traveling to competition or games.
- Vacation meal allowance: reimbursement to student athletes.
- Post game meal allowance: reimbursement to student athletes.
- Space rental expenses for remote training and annual conference.
Note: All agreements must be signed by Purchasing & Contract Administration.
- Providers of continuing education units: fee for units.
Senior film project: reimbursement to students for supplies.
Senior design projects: reimbursement to students for materials and supplies.
Performance ensemble production expenses reimbursements.
Bus transit subsidy.
Psychiatry training program
- Workshop presenters.
- Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT)
- Referral fees (with Agreement on file)
- Advertising / Marketing (with Agreement on file)
- Claim payments.
- Insurance premiums.
Playday activity supplies reimbursement
Interlibrary loan payments.
Testing proctor services at offsite location.
- Interpreter symposium.
(Approved by Purchasing & Contract Administration).
Interpreters: non-CSUN personne
- Payments to individuals for copyright permission on printed materials; QuickCopies/Reprographics Only.
- Safety reimbursement in accordance with collective bargaining agreements.
(CSEA Article 23.2 and SETA Article 28.3).
- Los Angeles County Sheriff’s office booking fees.
- Uniform reimbursement in accordance with collective bargaining agreement.
(CSEA Article 21.17 and 21.18). - Department of Justice fingerprint processing fees.
- RAD licenses.
- Student travel reimbursement:
- Submit a memo to Accounts Payable with student’s name, address and programmatic purpose of the travel. Original receipts must be attached to the memo.
- Annual payment to Parent Institute of Quality Educations (PIQUE).
National student exchange-membership, advertisement, application fees and other associated costs/fees associated with this membership.
Testing proctors; non-CSUN personnel.
- Artist performance agreement. (Agreements must be signed by Purchasing & Contract Administration).
- Artist/Performer
Theatre production cost reimbursements (curriculum).
- Chargebacks from contracted vendors handling credit card processing for uncollected transactions.
- Fee refunds from SmartPay processing.
Collection: service fees