Financial Services Room Reservations

UN-166 Conference Room 12-19 PC Yes Yes Yes
UN-360 Conference Room 10-14 PC No Computer/Television Yes

Faculty and Staff

Email all requests to  

Please include: 

  • Title of the meeting
  • Day and time 
  • Contact name and extension

Once the request is sent, allow 24 hours before a follow up is conducted.  Phone requests will not be accepted unless the reservation request is urgent.

Dates & Hours

Rooms are available during business hours; 8:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday.

Technical Support

Financial Services is unable to provide technical support. It is recommended that arrangements be made to bring your own technical support, especially with computer hardware and software issues.

Room Use Guidelines

Food and Beverages are not allowed. Water is acceptable.

Paper and other items may not be taped to the wall. Your group will be responsible for any damage to the facilities and any charges associated with the repair of the facilities.

Other regulations may apply based on the facility reserved and will be explained upon the booking of these facilities.

Clean Up

If you use any of Financial Services’ rooms, you are responsible for leaving the room clean and in the original configuration. There is no charge or fee for the use of this room. However, we do require that users clean up immediately after utilizing the room/space. Failure to leave a clean room or any defacement caused to the room and its furnishings are sufficient grounds for denial of future use of the room and may result in a chargeback to the department.

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