Peace Officers Memorial Day Proclamation

Web Accessibility Criteria

About the Web Accessibility Criteria

A mouse arrow pointing the URL in the web browser address bar.

Web Accessibility Criteria includes the most critical compliance criteria of Section 508 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1). Every criterion targets specific accessibility issues that would ultimately improve the overall webpage accessibility level and user experience. These criteria help web developers and content creators to learn and implement accessibility factors within their development life cycle and further improve the functionality and accessibility level of their web presence.

Alternative Descriptions and Multimedia

Structure and Design

Keyboard Navigation


Focus typed on yellow background. O letter replacement with magnifying glass and accessibility icon.

There should be a clear visual focus indicator for each interactive element. (image on the left)


A meaningful description should be provided for each link text that properly informs user about the purpose and the target page. (image on the right)

Link building connect link communication.

Universal Design Center

Division of Information Technology

University Library 34

Mail Drop: 8235

UDC Directory

Phone: (818) 677-5898

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UDC Scheduled Trainings

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 from 2:00pm to 3:15pm

Introduction to Accessibility and Universal Design (In Person)

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