AKD Faculty Advisor

Dr. Daniel Olmos

321 Santa Susana Hall
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8318

Phone: (818) 677-4495

Send email

Alpha Kappa Delta

Alpha Kappa Delta initiation ceremony 2013

For the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.”

– Audre Lorde 

Our Mission

This organization shall be a non-secret, democratic, society of scholars dedicated to the idea of Anthropon Katamanthanein Diakonesein or “to investigate humanity for the purpose of service.” It shall be the purpose of this Society to promote excellence in scholarship in the study of sociology, research of social problems, and such other social and intellectual activities as will lead to improvement in the human condition.


In 1920, University of Southern California sociologist Dr. Emory S. Bogardus founded Alpha Kappa Delta for the purposes of stimulating scholarship and promoting the scientific study of society.  Bogardus’ impetus in establishing this organization was to provide a forum for student and faculty interchange.  His endeavor paved the way for what has become an international organization dedicated to promoting, facilitating, and recognizing academic scholarship.  As we enter the 21st century, Alpha Kappa Delta is an integral part of many Sociology programs and is proud to acknowledge that in the past eight decades, over 80,000 scholars have been initiated into the Society.  More than 490 chapters have been chartered in the United States, Canada, China, Finland, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Singapore.

Reference: https://alphakappadelta.org

How to Join?

Fill out an AKD SPRING 2025 Membership Application (PDF) and return it to the Sociology Department (Santa Susana 321). Along with the application, attach a one-time initiation fee of $60 (and an optional $15 for the Honor Cord). Check or Money Order should be made payable to: Alpha Kappa Delta. Please place both the application and the check or money order inside a sealed envelope and write “AKD” on the envelope. Once you become a member, you are a member for life. Applications will be accepted until Tuesday, March 11, 2025. You will be notified of your acceptance via e-mail within 2 weeks of turning in your application.

  • Sociology Major
  • 3.3 overall GPA or higher (transfer + CSUN) 
  • Must be a Junior, Senior or Graduate student

Join the Sociology Honor Society and enhance your resume, Graduate school applications, Curriculum Vitae, develop leadership skills, and meet new people. Members receive a one-year subscription to Sociological Inquiry (the official journal of Alpha Kappa Delta) and can apply for student conference travel assistance. Members are notified of opportunities such as paper competitions, events, jobs, volunteer/internship opportunities, and are invited to our annual induction ceremony.

AKD members are also eligible to purchase AKD merchandise such as t-shirts, pins, sweatshirts, and honor cords to wear at their graduation ceremony. To order merchandise, fill out a merchandise order form (PDF) and return it to the Sociology Department (Santa Susana 321) in a sealed envelope and write “AKD” on the envelope. Check or Money Order should be made payable to: Alpha Kappa Delta.

Alpha Kappa Delta FAQs

The Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society was founded in 1920 by University of Southern California sociologist Dr. Emory S. Bogardus for the purposes of stimulating scholarship and promoting the scientific study of society.  Today there are more than 450 AKD chapters at colleges and universities around the world. You can find the main website for AKD at alphakappadelta.org

  • You will receive a certificate from the Alpha Kappa Delta International Honor Society at our annual induction ceremony in May. Additionally you will receive a one-year subscription to Sociological Inquiry.
  • You can indicate on your resume that you are a member of an honor society.
  • You will have the opportunity to be part of a CSUN recognized student organization that participates in various academic and social events.
  • You have the opportunity to meet, socialize, and plan events with other sociology majors.
  • You are eligible to compete in undergraduate and graduate student paper competitions.

Applications are accepted during the Fall and Spring semesters. The due dates will be announced to all students.

There is a one-time initiation fee of $60 required for membership. Once you join AKD you become a lifetime member. Some students also choose to purchase an Honor Cord for $15 to be worn at graduation

You will be contacted by the AKD Faculty Advisor (Dr. Daniel Olmos), within two weeks of turning in your application. 

You will receive your certificate at the AKD induction ceremony, held each year in May, usually during the week of graduation. You will receive an official invitation to the ceremony approximately 3 to 4 weeks in advance. At the induction ceremony we also handout honor cords (if ordered by members).

Once you become a member of AKD you will be put on the official e-mail list. You will receive periodic e-mails about meetings and events.

If you are unable to make it to AKD meetings or events, it will have no affect your membership. We would like to have as much student involvement as possible however we realize that meetings and events may conflict with your scheduled classes or work obligations.

Useful Links

Financial Assistance

Scholarships: Scholarships are a type of aid that does not have to be repaid and are awarded based on need or merit.

Grants: Grants are a form of gift aid and do not need to be repaid.

Fellowships: Fellowships are fund study or research based. Awards are made on a competitive basis, with no regard for financial need. Fellowships are designed with specific goals in mind and are not generally used for exploratory purposes.

Work-Study: Federal Work-Study is a federally funded student employment program where you can earn money to pay for your college costs.

Loans: Loans are borrowed money that have to be repaid at some point. They are available under varying terms and conditions. The Federal Stafford loans are the most common low-interest loans.

NOTE: The definitions for Scholarships and Fellowships are sometimes used interchangeably.

Reference: http://www.csun.edu/financialaid/


CSUN Sociology Department and AKD Kappa Chapter Awards

AKD Faculty Advisor

Dr. Daniel Olmos

321 Santa Susana Hall
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8318

Phone: (818) 677-4495

Send email

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