Department Chair

Dr. Regan Maas

Sierra Hall 150
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8263

Phone: (818) 677-3532

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GIS Computer Labs

The GES Department houses two 24 seat state-of-the-art computer labs (SH 103 & SH 107) geared towards Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. When class is not in session, any GES major or student enrolled in a GES course may use the labs. Additionally, students may also access all of the lab software in our GES Tutoring Center & Study Space (SH 135), which features 6 additional workstations.

The two labs feature 48 HP Z200SFF Workstations running Windows 7 Enterprise on 64-bit Intel Core i7 processors. Each computer is equipped with 8BG of memory and a 465GB hard drive and is connected to a 24-inch HP LA2405 LCD display.

The department ensures that students have access to the leading GIS, Remote Sensing, and Cartography software packages used in research and industry. Our available software options include:

  • ESRI ArcGIS Pro
  • Adobe Design Standard
  • TerrSet
  • Erdas IMAGINE
  • Microsoft Office
  • Natural Scene Designer Pro
  • Google Earth
  • SPSS
  • AutoCAD
  • R
  • GeoDa

Department Chair

Dr. Regan Maas

Sierra Hall 150
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8263

Phone: (818) 677-3532

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