Apply to Our Programs
Potential Undergraduate Students
Steps to Apply:
First-Time Freshmen -
To apply to one of our bachelor's degree programs, you will need to submit an application via the Cal State Apply website for freshman.
*Refer to CSUN Catalog for specific requirements for admission for freshmen.
First-Time Transfer Students -
As a first-time transfer student from a community college, you will need to submit your application via Cal State Apply using their site specific to transfers.
*Refer to CSUN Catalog for specific requirements for admission for transfers.
For both freshmen and transfers, you can find more information about the Cal State Apply process at the CSUN Admissions & Financial Aid website.
Potential Graduate Students
Steps to Apply:
To apply to one of our Master's degree programs, you will need to submit information to both the university and department, as noted in the steps below:
Submit a university-level application via the Cal State Apply website for graduate students.
Submit your official undergraduate transcripts to the Office of the Registrar. See details on the CSUN Admissions & Financial Aid - Graduate Admissions website.
Submit a department-level application directly to the department via email at Include in this emailed application package the following:
Two letters of recommendation, with signatures, from 2 different recommenders on their official letterhead
A sample research paper in Word document format
Your statement of purpose in Word document format
Create a CSUN Portal Account. After you apply, you'll receive an email from CSUN with the information you'll need to activate your CSUN Portal. Once you've set up an account, you can check your application status.
Requirements for Admission to our Graduate Programs:
One of the following:
A cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or better. Applicants with a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.5 to 2.99, please contact the graduate coordinator.
A graduate degree in another field from CSUN or other accredited institution.
At least a 2.75 GPA in the last 60 units attempted.
Two letters of recommendation.
Demonstration of research and writing skills. Applicants must submit to the graduate committee a sample research paper, written in English and, preferably, one that was completed as part of the baccalaureate degree requirements, such as a senior thesis or other research paper in an upper division undergraduate course. Because of the importance of research and writing to the graduate program, the committee needs to be assured of applicants’ abilities and promise in these areas.
A well-written statement of purpose (approximately 1,000 words, double-spaced, 12-point font).