Welcome to the Department of Marketing
By effectively educating our diverse student population to high standards of performance, we prepare students to become productive leaders in marketing specific disciplines. Students are able to apply their skills and knowledge in marketing to an interactive medium such as the Internet – yet every firm, whether it is a manufacturer, retailer, wholesaler or service provider, needs people skilled in marketing to discover, measure and analyze markets; develop and manage products; create and manage advertising; establish coherent pricing policies; and maintain positive customer relations. Student career development is assisted by a required internship to apply and enhance learning.
Academic Programs

B.S.B.A. with a Marketing Option
Marketing is a broad field that encompasses a range of important activities for all types of domestic and international businesses.

Minor in Marketing
The Marketing minor allows non-Marketing majors the opportunity to pursue secondary interests in marketing. This minor is not available to Marketing majors.

Marketing is a dynamic and exciting field to work in, and a marketing degree from CSUN prepares students for a variety of careers. Graduates can pursue careers focused in digital marketing, social media marketing, advertising, integrated marketing communications, marketing research, marketing metrics and data analytics, marketing management, product management and branding, sales, wholesaling and retailing, communications and public relations, international marketing management, and non-profit marketing. These would be often considered separate types of jobs.