SHINE 2019

The SHINE Conference is a one-day collaborative conference for Matador Student Leaders with a purpose to assist current organizational leaders and potential leaders in recruiting new members, transitioning new leadership, organization stability, statewide & campus policy/procedures, civic responsibility, and leadership development. We hope to give all participants the tools they need to sustain a healthy student-run organization and gain a better understanding of how their leadership and service will benefit them in their life and career. We do this by working in partnership with multiple campus programs/departments to provide interactive sessions for the improvement of leadership skills and to inspire better collaboration.

Social Responsibility





Pranam Lipinski

Pranam Lipinski

Pranam is a former college club founder who saw firsthand the inspiring potential of student organizations and their leaders. In 2015, he cofounded Door of Clubs, an online platform that connects top companies and over 100,000 college clubs nationwide. His clients include tech startups to Fortune 100s.

He is also a thought leader on Generation Z and the Future of Work, publishing an annual survey of over 5,000 students and their employment preferences. Previously, he was a successful real estate developer and investor.

Your future Success & Personal Fufillment: Why Student Leadership Matters More Than You Think!

Alex Salazar, Justin Gonzalez, Stephanie Perez-Sandavol, Julie Andrews and Nikiya McWilliam

Alex Salazar, Justin Gonzalez, Stephanie Perez-Sandavol, Julie Andrews and Nikiya McWilliam

The 2019 Clubs & Organizations team is excited to work with you this academic year. Our program pillars are Community, Leadership Development, Organization Stability, Wellness/Selfcare, and Skill Acquisition. During the Shine Leadership conference and throughout this year, we plan to provide a variety of fun options to assist you in all five areas. We want you to take full advantage of the service we provide to help you develop as global leaders, put into practice what you are learning in the classroom, and acquire skills to use in global organizations of the future. With Matador Pride, we ask for your commitment to SHINE!

We exist to discover the shine in CSUN Students so they can light the world.

Instagram: @csun_co

Instagram: @csun_co


Save The Dates

Find details and register for events on

Leadership Development Clinics:

These clinics will provide current or potential student leaders with development in specific areas. The clinic topics will be based on the feedback received from the 2019 SHINE Leadership Conference.

October 30, 2019
February 28, 2019
March 12, 2019
April 08, 2020

Advisor training

October 24, 2019

Spring 2020

Meet the Clubs

January 28 & 29, 2020

New Student Organization Registration Dates

Now Open - October 30, 2019 & February 3, 2020 - April 10, 2020

Re-Registration Dates for Previous Student Organizations

Now Open - October 30, 2020

2020 Clubs & Orgs Awards Ceremony

April 22, 2020

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Check-in/Coffee & Tea (Northridge Center)

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Welcome- Diana Vicente, AS President & Mohammad "Q" Hotaki, AS Vice President

10:30 AM - 11:30 PM Keynote Speaker- Parnam Lipinski

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Transition

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Lunch (Northridge Center)

12:30 PM - 12:35 PM Transition

12:35 PM - 1:35 PM Session Block A

1:35 PM - 1:40 PM Transition

1:40 PM - 2:40 PM Session Block B

2:40 PM - 2:45 PM Transition

2:45 PM - 3:45 PM Session Block C

3:45 PM - 3:50 PM Transition

3:50 PM - 4:50 PM Session Block D

4:50 PM - 4:55 PM Transition

4:55 PM - 5:30 PM Commitment to Shine (Northridge Center)

Gratitude Stations:

Can be found in the Northridge Center Lobby, take the time to show appreciation for someone who has made an impact on you during this conference or during your time as a leader.

Jump Start Your Network
(Panorama City Room)


Valerie Leal, Student and Young Alumni Engagement Coordinator &
Christina Mena, Career and Professional Development Associate

The Alumni Relations staff will share about every student opportunity available through our office which includes our Career and Professional Development Programs (Dinner with Matadors and Corporate Connect), Alumni Chapters, and Alumni Association Student Scholarships. Dinner with Matadors: brings together CSUN alumni with current CSUN students in a relaxed setting outside of campus while sharing a meal and learning more about their host’s journey as an alumnus and what happens after graduation. This program is FREE to students.

Corporate Connect: allows students to explore new and different places to work. A small group of up to 20 students will spend approximately two hours at a company/industry of choice; including a site tour (or walk-through), an overview of the organization/industry, an alumni career story, and a sponsored Q&A lunch. This program is FREE to students and includes transportation and lunch.


Alumni Chapters: are groups of alumni within the same industry or shared interest. Students get a chance to broaden their career networks as chapters have social activities, networking events, newsletters, scholarships, and mentoring programs to directly benefit the constituency they represent.

Alumni Association student scholarships: are made possible through the generosity of alumni who believe in investing in the future of students. The Alumni Association currently awards over $30k in scholarships every year to current CSUN students in multiple categories and criteria.

Where Matadors Belong:
(Van Nuys Room)

Sarah Katz, Marketing Representative & Melanie Miron, Marketing Representative

Students will see all that the USU has to offer. The main purpose of the USU is to enhance the college experience for all CSUN students. By learning about our services and programs, students will see the benefits of engaging and networking within centers and facilities. Furthermore, their college experience will be much better after taking advantage of all the USU has to offer.

AS Finance:
(Thousand Oaks Room)

Diana Vicente, President - Associated Students & Carlos Orozco, Chair of Finance.

Associated Students (A.S.) provides funding for student clubs and organizations special projects, events, conference travel, and more. From the moment you apply to the moment you receive the fund, this comprehensive and informative presentation is designed to teach Matadors how to access A.S. funding.

The Student C-Suite – Required Session:
(Northridge Center)


Nikiya McWilliams, MPA - Coordinator, Clubs & Organizations
Alex Salazar - Activities Assistant, Clubs & Organizations

According to articles found in the Harvard Business Review, executive leadership should hone skills like strong communication, empathy, collaboration, trust-building, a global mindset, integrity, and strategic thinking. During this session, I’d like to discuss how student leaders can use their current leadership role to acquire the skills they need to create a potential career path towards C-Suite leadership. Students can also utilize their leadership role to put classroom learning into action, which will also add to their academic success.

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MataSync 2.0:
(Flintridge Room)

Andy Tram, MataSync Student Assistant

MataSync is a valuable resource at CSUN that allows students to network with each other. Whether you are a student leader, or a student looking for an organization, there are many resources that you can utilize. This workshop will showcase some basic areas in MataSync such as: How to join a club, Registration Form, and Events. With the brand new design on MataSync, workshop attendees will be taught on how to navigate it. When students fully utilized MataSync, it will help them connect with fellow Matadors that have the same interest as them.


Fundraising and Development for Students:
(Lake Balboa Room)


Jerry De Felice, Director of Development & Chelsea Wisenbaker, Development Associate

This session will help you understand philanthropy, and the importance of building connections with your alumni, community members, family, and friends. This is in an informative session on best practices, strategies, and techniques on why fundraising is essential for your organization.

Learn the best ways to help promote your organizations mission, vision, and goals. This session will also provide examples on how strong fundraising efforts can ensure adequate resources for your activities, events, and the purpose of your organization.

Reserving Spaces in the USU:
(Pasadena Room)

Raquel De Ruiz & Chris Jensen

Correctly educate student leaders of the RES processes & procedures to help them properly plan their events. In addition, students will feel more comfortable using built-in meeting room projection systems and have a better understanding of available equipment for use. Expected outcomes: Student leaders will be able to reserve rooms using EMS Web App and understand how to properly reserve different spaces in the University Student Union following the appropriate policies & procedures. In addition, students will become more informed about available equipment and room features including built-in projectors and screens and feel comfortable using it.

Online Degree & Schedule Planning:
(Burbank Room)

Tatiana Ortega, Degree Planning Tools Specialist

This session will provide an overview of the online degree planning tools: Degree Road Maps, the Degree Progress Report/Planner, and the Schedule Planner. Review will include catalog year information and a discussion on the new GE plan, and how both can be individual to each student and how to understand those factors in relation to reading the Degree Progress Report and future planning. A breakdown of the elements of the Degree Progress Report and the Planner will be explained and demonstrated. A discussion and demonstration of the Schedule Planner will follow, covering enrollment and registration information and common themes students may struggle with when it comes to getting the right classes and schedule. The purpose of this sessions is to help student leaders to become accountable for their own degree planning, as well as to become a source of information for incoming students gaining familiarity with degree requirements, degree planning, and resources for advisement. Giving students a firm grasp on these tools will create an empowering culture that allows and encourages students to take responsibility for their own degree path.

Let’s see your TRUE COLORS:
(Reseda Room)

Leanne Vincent, Manager for Student Leadership and Productions

Using materials from the True Colors international organization, presenter will outline the four different personality types, the way each of the four types expresses who they are, what makes them happy, how they feel valued, what they bring to relationships and engagements with others, and how to maximize their ability to learn new ways of communicating with those different from them. It allows students to see the ease of certain types of communication and relationships, but how easy it is to learn to work with those who are different. Two group exercises with short presentations from each group will allow students to engage directly with others, learn and grown. The wrap up for the presentation includes a challenge to leaders to create the environment and provide the knowledge that allows student leaders to understand one another and communicate well using the tools from TRUE COLORS.

Happy Leaders Create, Motivate & Innovate
(Altadena Room):

Richard Cardona, Manager & Jagrut Sharma, Operations Assistant
Oasis Wellness Center

Through various defined tools, participants can identify and apply emotional intelligence skills that are transferable in life as well as academic.

Sustainability: How to Make a Positive Impact On-Campus and Beyond:
(Tujunga Room)


Sarah Johnson, Sustainability Program Analyst & Nikhil Schneider,
Energy & Sustainability Coordinator

The Institute for Sustainability strives to bring environmental awareness and literacy to the campus community through formal and informal education. This session will teach CSUN student leaders about what sustainability is, why it’s important, and how they can live in ways that are most sustainable for themselves and the planet. Presenters will cover CSUN’s sustainability goals and achievements which include a 10-Year Sustainability Plan, goal of Zero Waste by 2025, and Carbon Neutrality by 2040.

We will share educational and involvement opportunities including learning how to garden and compost at the Sustainable Garden Education Center, participating in annual events such as Sustainability Day, Water Day, Orange Picks, Earth Fair, and more. We’ll also provide tips and resources on how to host sustainable meetings and events, as well as free or low-cost changes students can make related to food, waste, water, and energy that have big impacts.


Our goal is to create an engaging educational experience for students so that as leaders on campus and in the community even beyond graduation, they better understand the challenges and solutions to climate change and feel a sense of social responsibility and are equipped to engage and take action.


Re-imagining Leadership through Experiential Learning:
(Grand Salon)

Christine Upton- Outdoor Adventure Coordinator, Ruben Fuentes- Camp Matador Lead Programmer

We will begin with a brief discussion about leadership, experiential learning, and how the two relate. We will be using specific examples from Camp Matador and how the different team building initiatives we use greatly impact the lives of the campers and creates the space for them to grow as leaders. The lecture portion will also cover examples of how facilitating team building activities for others can increase one’s own leadership as well. The bulk of the presentation will be spent in break out groups as we demonstrate a few team building games which can be used in a wide variety of different situations.


Risk Management for Clubs & Orgs:
(Granada Room)

Cyndi Paull - Insurance & Risk Management Specialist

  1. Insurance requirements for vendors when doing events on campus
  2. Guest speakers/lecturers
  3. Special event insurance
  4. General event risk management practices
  5. Waiver use
  6. Travel on club business
  7. Forms & resourcesFull Description:This session will provide students with an understanding of the risks involved is event planning / club activities and how to mitigate risks with insurance and planning.

This session will provide students with an understanding of the risks involved is event planning / club activities and how to mitigate risks with insurance and planning.


Drinking and Drugging: Science, Myths, and Realities:
(Lake View Terrace)

Susan Krikorian, Health Educator & Lucy Hakobyan, Health Promotion Intern@matador4wellness

Session Goals: To educate students on the basics of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, the dangers associated with each, safer alternatives/safer partying tips, how to identify someone suffering from alcohol poisoning and how to seek help, and free campus resources.

Presentation Outline: 3 Sections

  1. Alcohol (includes standard drink sizes, hands on activity, alcohol poisoning, safer partying tips)
  2. Tobacco (includes e-cigarettes/vaping, hookah)
  3. Other drugs (includes marijuana, prescription drug abuse, date rape drugs, and other drugs)


LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity:
(Granada Room)

Pride Center Representatives: Alex Aquino, Jay Hitomi, and Jessamy McQuinn

This session will educate students on the LGBTQIA+ community and how to foster an LGBTQIA+ inclusive organization. Students will learn about terminology, gender pronouns, and inclusive language.


Planning Major Events On & Off Campus:
(Lakeview Terrace)

Vicki Allen, Assistant Director, Matador Involvement Center

Events do not just happen, they take time to plan, develop, and create. This workshop is designed to give your participants the tools needed to host a great event on and off campus. The 5 W's- Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How will provide a solid foundation for event planners. throughout the presentation, I will discuss tips and things to take into consideration when someone is planning their event. You’ll learn effective planning and programmatic techniques that will give you the confidence to run an engaging event. You be introduced to important things to consider when planning an event on and off campus.

Session Block A

Jump Start Your Network:
(Panorama City Room)

Jump start your alumni network before you graduate! Learn about opportunities to meet CSUN alumni across different industries and companies. Explore new and different places to work, consider different industries, hear alumni career stories and expand your network.

Fundraising and Development for Students:
(Lake Balboa Room)

Learn best practices and techniques to fundraise effectively and efficiently for your organization.

Where Matadors Belong:
(Van Nuys Room)

An overview of everything the USU provides for CSUN students - including the SRC, Oasis, Pride, VRC, Computer Lab, etc. The idea is to inform students about the exceptionally broad scope of services available to their organizations at the USU.

Re-imagining Leadership through Experiential Learning:
(Grand Salon)

Experiential learning can be defined as "learning through reflection on doing". In this session, you will learn how to incorporate different team-building initiatives into your leadership training progression, as well as give you some tips and tricks to re-imagining your own leadership skills.

AS Finance:
(Thousand Oaks Room)

Associated Students (A.S.) provides funding for student clubs and organizations special projects, events, conference travel, and more. From the moment you apply to the moment you receive the fund, this comprehensive and informative presentation is designed to teach Matadors how to access A.S. funding.

The Student C-Suite:
(Northridge Center)

Utilize your role as a student leader to put classroom learning into action and to prepare for your career.

MataSync 2.0:
(Flintridge Room)

This workshop is meant to provide a basic introduction of MataSync to student organization leaders. The workshop will go over some basic topics such as: Events, Registration Form, and How to join a club. The workshop will be executed by demonstration with commentary, and then followed by Q&A.

Reserving Spaces in the USU:
(Pasadena Room)

This session will introduce you to the Reservations and Event Services Office staff and its services. Session highlights include, reservation making process, event furniture and equipment, and meet¬ing room technology offerings and use.

Risk Management for Clubs & Orgs:
(Granada Room)

The purpose of the session is to increase student leaders of clubs and organizations understanding of risk management and insurance. Specific areas to be covered include:

Drinking and Drugging: Science, Myths, and Realities:
(Lake View Terrace)

Learn the facts and debunk the myths around alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The workshop will highlight: signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning, standard drink sizes, responsible drinking tips, marijuana and other drug facts, how to help a friend in trouble, and campus resources.

Session Block B

Online Degree & Schedule Planning:
(Burbank Room)

To gain familiarity with online degree and schedule planning tools and be able to use the tools effectively for time management and staying on track to meet degree requirements

Let’s see your TRUE COLORS:
(Reseda Room)

Getting groups of strangers to become friends, turning individuals into teams, and changing con¬flict to collaboration requires some special skills - and that’s what the TRUE COLORS personality typing workshop can provide you and your organizations! This workshop will help you understand the four distinct personality types, how they impact your meetings and activities, and how to turn differences into the stuff GREAT student organizations are made of! Informative, while fun and interactive.

Happy Leaders Create, Motivate & Innovate:
(Altadena Room)

Through various defined tools, participants can identify and apply emotional intelligence skills that are transferable in life as well as academic.

Sustainability: How to Make a Positive Impact On-Campus and Beyond:
(Tujunga Room)

The Institute for Sustainability strives to bring environmental awareness and literacy to the campus community through formal and informal education. This session will teach CSUN student leaders about what sustainability is, why it’s important, and how they can live in ways that are healthier for themselves and the planet. Presenters will cover CSUN’s sustainability goals and achievements, on-campus educational and involvement opportunities, sustainable event planning, and free or low-cost changes related to food, waste, water, and energy that have big impacts.

AS Finance:
(Thousand Oaks Room)

Associated Students (A.S.) provides funding for student clubs and organizations special projects, events, conference travel, and more. From the moment you apply to the moment you receive the fund, this comprehensive and informative presentation is designed to teach Matadors how to access A.S. funding

The Student C-Suite:
(Northridge Center)

Utilize your role as a student leader to put classroom learning into action and to prepare for your career.

MataSync 2.0:
(Flintridge Room)

This workshop is meant to provide a basic introduction of MataSync to student organization leaders. The workshop will go over some basic topics such as: Events, Registration Form, and How to join a club. The workshop will be executed by demonstration with commentary, and then followed by Q&A.

Reserving Spaces in the USU:
(Pasadena Room)

This session will introduce you to the Reservations and Event Services Office staff and its services. Session highlights include, reservation making process, event furniture and equipment, and meet¬ing room technology offerings and use.

Risk Management for Clubs & Orgs:
(Granada Room)

The purpose of the session is to increase student leaders of clubs and organizations understanding of risk management and insurance. Specific areas to be covered include:

Drinking and Drugging: Science, Myths, and Realities:
(Lake View Terrace)

Learn the facts and debunk the myths around alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The workshop will highlight: signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning, standard drink sizes, responsible drinking tips, marijuana and other drug facts, how to help a friend in trouble, and campus resources.

Session Block C

Jump Start Your Network:
(Panorama City Room)

Jump start your alumni network before you graduate! Learn about opportunities to meet CSUN alumni across different industries and companies. Explore new and different places to work, consider different industries, hear alumni career stories and expand your network.

Fundraising and Development for Students:
(Lake Balboa Room)

Learn best practices and techniques to fundraise effectively and efficiently for your organization.

Where Matadors Belong:
(Van Nuys Room)

An overview of everything the USU provides for CSUN students - including the SRC, Oasis, Pride, VRC, Computer Lab, etc. The idea is to inform students about the exceptionally broad scope of services available to their organizations at the USU.

Re-imagining Leadership through Experiential Learning:
(Grand Salon)

Experiential learning can be defined as "learning through reflection on doing". In this session, you will learn how to incorporate different team-building initiatives into your leadership training progression, as well as give you some tips and tricks to re-imagining your own leadership skills.

AS Finance:
(Thousand Oaks Room)

Associated Students (A.S.) provides funding for student clubs and organizations special projects, events, conference travel, and more. From the moment you apply to the moment you receive the fund, this comprehensive and informative presentation is designed to teach Matadors how to access A.S. funding.

The Student C-Suite:
(Northridge Center)

Utilize your role as a student leader to put classroom learning into action and to prepare for your career.

MataSync 2.0:
(Flintridge Room)

This workshop is meant to provide a basic introduction of MataSync to student organization leaders. The workshop will go over some basic topics such as: Events, Registration Form, and How to join a club. The workshop will be executed by demonstration with commentary, and then followed by Q&A.

Reserving Spaces in the USU:
(Pasadena Room)

This session will introduce you to the Reservations and Event Services Office staff and its services. Session highlights include, reservation making process, event furniture and equipment, and meeting room technology offerings and use

LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity:
(Granada Room)

Is your club inclusive and welcoming of LGBTQIA+ students? Learn the basics about the LGBTQIA+ community and how to create an inclusive organization.

Planning Major Events On & Off-Campus:
(Lakeview Terrace)

Event planning designed to help you with the 5 W's- Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

Session Block D

Online Degree & Schedule Planning:
(Burbank Room)

To gain familiarity with online degree and schedule planning tools and be able to use the tools effectively for time management and staying on track to meet degree requirements

Let’s see your TRUE COLORS:
(Reseda Room)

Getting groups of strangers to become friends, turning individuals into teams, and changing con¬flict to collaboration requires some special skills - and that’s what the TRUE COLORS personality typing workshop can provide you and your organizations! This workshop will help you understand the four distinct personality types, how they impact your meetings and activities, and how to turn differences into the stuff GREAT student organizations are made of! Informative, while fun and interactive.

Happy Leaders Create, Motivate & Innovate:
(Altadena Room)

Through various defined tools, participants can identify and apply emotional intelligence skills that are transferable in life as well as academic.

Sustainability: How to Make a Positive Impact On-Campus and Beyond:
(Tujunga Room)

The Institute for Sustainability strives to bring environmental awareness and literacy to the campus community through formal and informal education. This session will teach CSUN student leaders about what sustainability is, why it’s important, and how they can live in ways that are healthier for themselves and the planet. Presenters will cover CSUN’s sustainability goals and achievements, on-campus educational and involvement opportunities, sustainable event planning, and free or low-cost changes related to food, waste, water, and energy that have big impacts.

AS Finance:
(Thousand Oaks Room)

Associated Students (A.S.) provides funding for student clubs and organizations special projects, events, conference travel, and more. From the moment you apply to the moment you receive the fund, this comprehensive and informative presentation is designed to teach Matadors how to access A.S. funding

The Student C-Suite:
(Northridge Center)

Utilize your role as a student leader to put classroom learning into action and to prepare for your career.

MataSync 2.0:
(Flintridge Room)

This workshop is meant to provide a basic introduction of MataSync to student organization leaders. The workshop will go over some basic topics such as: Events, Registration Form, and How to join a club. The workshop will be executed by demonstration with commentary, and then followed by Q&A.

Reserving Spaces in the USU:
(Pasadena Room)

This session will introduce you to the Reservations and Event Services Office staff and its services. Session highlights include, reservation making process, event furniture and equipment, and meet¬ing room technology offerings and use.

LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity:
(Granada Room)

Is your club inclusive and welcoming of LGBTQIA+ students? Learn the basics about the LGBTQIA+ community and how to create an inclusive organization.

Planning Major Events On & Off-Campus:
(Lakeview Terrace)

Event planning designed to help you with the 5 W's- Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

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