Partnership With The Pad Project
We are excited to announce our partnership with The Pad Project!
The Pad Project is a nonprofit organization founded by a group of high school students and their teacher dedicated to the principle that “a period should end a sentence, not a girl’s education.” In 2017 The Pad Project partnered with Action India staff to install a pad machine in the village of Kathikhera. The Pad Project’s film Period. End of Sentence., documented their journey and the impact the machine had on the women within that community.
WRRC has been awarded a grant from The Pad Project to purchase pads, liners, tampons, and menstrual cups, which will be distributed to students on campus free of charge. This partnership between The Pad Project and the WRRC will promote menstrual equity among CSUN students and work to break the stigma surrounding menstruation.
Learn more about The Pad Project here:
The 2012-13 Campus Action Project allows teams of faculty and students to bring awareness to the gender pay gap one year out of college and its connection to student debt.
Campus Action Project
Nine teams from around the country were selected to implement projects based on recommendations from AAUW's 2012 research report, Graduating to a Pay Gap: The Earnings of Men and Women One Year after College Graduation.
The California State University, Northridge team plans to launch "The Difference a Dollar Makes" program. Through a semester-long project embedded in a Gender and Women's Studies course called, "Women, Work and Family," students will spend the semester learning about and exploring the gender pay gap. As a culmination of this exploration, students will create installations to display around campus, along with informative signage. The installations will visually represent how the gap limits a woman's ability to financially compete in today's society.
Equal Pay Day
CSUN honored Equal Pay Day on April 3, 2013. We passed out literature and cookies with 23% cut out to help visually represent the gender wage gap. We also had a salary calculator out for students to check and see what their salary range will be, based on gender.
Scrap Wage Gap
Scrap Wage Gap is the digital campaign students from the "Women, Work and Family" course have implemented. Along with the installations, which the students are actively working to create, they have also initiated a digital campaign to help spread the word and raise awareness. Check out some of the social media students are working on: