Master of Science, Speech-Language Pathology
The State-side (residential) Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology is designed to be a full-time, 5 semester program. Summer semester at CSUN is required for academic progression, therefore the most typical 5 semester program of study includes: Fall1, Spring1, Fall2, Spring2, Fall-final. For the first two semesters, students should plant to enroll in 14 units each semester. In the final three semesters, most students typically enroll in 9 units. Clinical practice are offered every summer, and students may request to move some required practice to summer. Students who may want to move a practicum experience to the summer semester should consult early (i.e., fall semester) with financial aid services to determine financial aid eligibility for summer tuition and fees.
The master’s degree is the professional entry-level requirement for employment as a speech-language pathologist. Completion of the baccalaureate and master’s degree programs in Speech-Language Pathology enables students to satisfy the academic requirements for:
- License in all states to practice in medical, rehabilitative or private practice settings.
- Education credentials in all states for employment in public schools.
- Professional certification by the Council for Clinical Certification ASHA.
The Department’s curriculum is conducted through classroom instruction, online instruction and experiential learning, including intensive student participation in the clinical programs of the CSUN Language, Speech and Hearing Center. Advanced graduate students obtain additional clinical experience through placement in the Department’s affiliated professional practices, medical centers, and public schools.
Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences Accreditation Status: M.S. Speech-Language Pathology
The Master of Science (M.S.) education program in speech-language pathology {residential and distance education} at California State University Northridge is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.0.
The program’s current accreditation cycle is for eight years, from April 1, 2021 through March 31, 2029.

2200 Research Boulevard, #310
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 800–498–2071
Phone: 301–296–5700
General Concerns: Conveying General Concerns Directly to the Program
General concerns regarding the Department, undergraduate programs, Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology program, or Doctor of Audiology program may be directed to:
- The Department Chair, Dr. Patricia J. Seymour, Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences, California State University Northridge, Northridge, CA 91330 (Tel: 818-677-2852), or
- Dr. Mechelle Best, Dean, College of Health and Human Development, California State University Northridge, Northridge, CA 91330 (Tel: 818-677-3001).
Consumer Complaints: Conveying Consumer Complaints to the Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA)
The Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) may be contacted by any individual who has concern against CSUN’s Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology program regarding compliance with accreditation standards or if the program may have exhibited a violation of Code of Ethics established by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA). Complaints against the program must meet specific criteria, and must also follow specific procedural requirements during the process of submission. The complainant’s burden of proof is a preponderance, or greater weight, of the evidence. These procedures do not prevent the CAA from considering a complaint against an accredited or candidate program if the program is involved in litigation or other actions by a third party.
Students will:
- Demonstrate appropriate comportment and knowledge of professional standards:
- Show professional and ethical behavior with superiors, clients and colleagues in clinical settings.
- Demonstrate understanding of professional practice patterns and ethical standards.
- Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and knowledge of the effects of cultural difference on communication.
- Demonstrate professional entry-level knowledge and clinical application of:
- The theories and models underlying typical and atypical speech, language, cognition, auditory and swallowing processes, as well as changes associated with normal aging.
- Diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for speech, language, cognition, swallowing and auditory disorders across the lifespan.
- Integrate theoretical knowledge with clinical experience and application of research literature in clinical practice in order to problem-solve clinical cases.
Potential graduate students must apply simultaneously and separately to the University and to the Department. Those who meet both University and Department minimum requirements will be considered by the Department in a competitive process for admission as conditionally classified or classified graduate students.
Graduate applicants who meet the University minimum requirements but do not meet the Department’s minimum requirements may be offered an opportunity to enroll in undergraduate prerequisite courses in either a Pre-Communication Disorders and Sciences status or a seat in a specific course(s) through Open University. These opportunities are limited by the enrollment capacity of the Department for currently matriculated students. The Pre-CDS and Open University are intended to assist students in meeting the minimum admission requirements of prerequisite courses for the department’s graduate programs (see below). Courses in the master’s degree program itself are restricted to graduate students in classified or conditionally classified graduate status. Students with a baccalaureate degree in a major other than Communication Disorders and Sciences are not enrolled in a second baccalaureate degree in this field. Students having a baccalaureate degree in Communication Disorders and Sciences or equivalent may not pursue a second baccalaureate degree in the Department. Potential Pre-CDS and Open University CDS students should discuss options with a Department advisor as access to Pre-CDS and Open University status may change according to University admission policies.
An applicant to the Department’s graduate program who currently is in Pre-CDS status will need to apply to the department, but not again to the University, for consideration for admission to the graduate program once the minimum admission requirements have been fulfilled.
Minimum Requirements for Applying
The following minimum requirements must be met:
- Completion of a Bachelors degree.
- Completion of approved undergraduate courses in Communication Disorders and Sciences, including the specific course prerequisites described below.
- Submission of the Department graduate application.
- Submission of three letters of recommendation on departmental forms.
It is understood that some of the required academic and/or clinical courses may be in progress at the time of application, but that they would be completed before the anticipated starting date.
Students with an undergraduate degree in Communication Disorders and Sciences from a university other than CSUN may have minimal deficiencies in meeting the above requirements and but may still be considered for admittance. If admitted, the applicant must complete all identified conditions by the time that 12 units of graduate-level coursework have been completed. Eligibility should be discussed with a Department academic advisor.
The Department requires that applicants use the department application developed and accessible through CSDCAS. The online application and letters of recommendation format are updated each year.
The Department accepts applications for the M.S. Graduate Program October 1st to January 15th annually.
Detailed instructions for filing an application to the master’s program may be obtained from the department office; information is also accessible through the Department Graduate M.S. Application.
Outside of the application dates you will find a list of documents to prepare in advance of October 1st when the application opens; for example, transcripts, names and addresses for Recommenders.
Financial Aid Planning: units for the M.S. SLP Residential Program is 55 Units
Speech-Language Pathology: Academic Core Curriculum (18 units)
- CD 500 Background Leveling in Communication Disorders and Sciences (3)
- CD 501 Interviewing and Counseling in Communicative Disorders (3)
- CD 502 Research in Communicative Disorders (3)
- CD 552 Language Disorders II (3)
- CD 558 Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of Speech, Language and Hearing (3)
- CD 674 Pediatric Audiology (3)
Speech-Language Pathology: Academic Emphasis Curriculum (21 units)
- CD 651 Advanced Study of Articulation and Phonological Disorders in Children (3)
- CD 659 Neurogenic Disorders of Cognition and Language (3)
- CD 660 Structural and Neurogenic Speech Disorders (3)
- CD 661 Voice and Disorders of Voice (3)
- CD 662 Seminar in Developmental Language Disorders (3)
- CD 663 Adult and Pediatric Swallowing/Feeding Disorders (3)
- CD 668 Advanced Diagnostics in Speech-Language Pathology (3)
Speech-Language Pathology: Clinical Practica (13 units)
- *CD 566 Clinical Practicum in Speech Pathology II (2)
- CD 567 Clinical Practicum in Speech Pathology III (2)
- CD 672A Advanced Clinical Practice in Speech Pathology and Audiology I (3)
And one of the following practica:
- CD 672C Advanced Clinical Practice in Speech Pathology and Audiology II (6)
- SPED 544CD Student Teaching in Language, Speech and Hearing and Audiology (6)
*NOTE: This practicum has a pre-requisite
Culminating Experience (3 units)
Comprehensive Examination: Successful completion of a comprehensive written examination covering speech and hearing science, speech-language pathology and audiology; student must register for CD 697.
The State-side (residential) Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology is designed to be a full-time, 5 semester program [See NOTE below]. Summer semester at CSUN is not expected to be required for academic progression, therefore the most typical 5 semester program of study includes: Fall1, Spring1, Fall2, Spring2, Fall-final. For the first two semesters, students typically enroll in 14 units each semester. In the final three semesters, most students typically enroll in 9 units. Clinical practica are offered every summer, and students may request to move some required practica to summer. Students who may want to move a practicum experience to the summer semester should consult early (i.e., fall semester) with financial aid services to determine financial aid eligibility for summer tuition and fees.
The following are typical program sequences for students in the State-side Residential M.S. program. The admissions coordinator assists in placing students into a sequence that is appropriate for their academic and clinical needs:
Typical Curriculum Roadmap - Pattern One: [moving one clinical practicum to a summer semester is available as along as the appropriate pre-requisite sequence is maintained]
- Fall #1: CD500, CD502, CD552, CD558, [CD566 or up to 3 units of outstanding requirements]
- Spring #1: CD501, CD659, CD660, CD651 [CD567 or up to 3 units of outstanding requirements]
- Fall #2: CD 668, CD663, CD674,
- Spring #2: SPED544CD, CD661
- Fall-Final: CD 662, CD 672A, CD 697
Typical Curriculum Roadmap - Pattern Two: [moving one clinical practicum to a summer semester is available as along as the appropriate pre-requisite sequence is maintained]
- Fall #1: CD500, CD502, CD558, CD651, [CD566 or up to 3 units of outstanding requirements]
- Spring #1: CD501, CD659, CD660, CD552 [CD567 or up to 3 units of outstanding requirements]
- Fall #2: CD 668, CD 663, CD 661,
- Spring #2: SPED544CD, CD 674
- Fall-Final: CD 662, CD 672A, CD 697
NOTE: Students accepted to the program who have not had a clinical practica experience (i.e., the equivalent of CSUN's CD465), who have not completed 25 supervised observations hours (i.e., the equivalent of CSUN's CD469O), or have not completed CSUN's equivalents of courses required for CSUN's Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential (CD480, CD485, EPC314) will have summer assignments added to their curriculum plan in order to insure timely progression to graduation.
The Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences perseveres in a long-standing history as a leader in preparing students to enter the profession of speech-language pathology through exemplary clinical and academic teaching, research, and client services. One of the tenets identified in the Vision of the Department is that all programs in Communication Disorders and Sciences will be recognized for forward-thinking program development and innovative community engagement.
For the Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology, long-term strategic plans are developed, evaluated and modified (where necessary) on an annual basis, meeting the 2020 Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) 1.5 standard. Graduate students, alumni, advisory board members, and other interested parties may view the strategic plans developed for the Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology by clicking the links below.