Graduate Studies


Valera Hall (VH) 275
18111 Nordoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8222

Phone: (818) 677-2138

Send email

Graduate Domestic Admissions
(818) 677-5800

Graduate Evaluations
(818) 677-4800

Graduate Coordinator’s Meetings

Our office hosts informational meetings during the semester (fall/spring) to assist new and returning graduate coordinators. The purpose of the meetings is to inform the graduate coordinators about policy changes, events, funding opportunities and provide updates on graduate student issues. We are excited to meet with you during one of our informational meetings.

Please complete the RSVP link below to register for the Fall or Spring.

Fall 2024 Meeting




RSVP Link:

Spring 2025 Meeting

Date: TBD

Time: TBD

Location: TBD


Our office has created a handbook to assist new and returning graduate coordinators. If you need support, please be sure to view the handbook by contacting our office.

Graduate Coordinators Mini-Grant

The Graduate Coordinator's Departmental Funding Opportunity Program offers mini grants to departments/graduate programs. 

Read More About the Graduate Coordinators Mini-Grant

Graduate Studies


Valera Hall (VH) 275
18111 Nordoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8222

Phone: (818) 677-2138

Send email

Graduate Domestic Admissions
(818) 677-5800

Graduate Evaluations
(818) 677-4800

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