Frequently Asked Questions
ABSENCES: If my child is absent is there any makeup homework assignment?
Please notify the SAPESS office of pre-planned/ known absences with an email. No homework is given. The teachers will do their best to catch your child up if he/she missed sequential work - otherwise, your child will be able to start right in where the class is.
ABSENCES: What if my child needs to be absent for an entire week?
Daily attendance is recommended for all classes. Please notify the office of any planned absences, but fees will not be pro-rated.
BATHROOMS: How do students use the restrooms on campus?
Students are taken to the bathroom before recess. During class, students may use the restroom with the accompaniment of a TA or Teacher. SAPESS ensures the safety of all its students by always providing adult supervision.
CLASSROOM LOCATIONS: Where are the classrooms located? How do the children move from one class to another on campus?
Classrooms are located in the Education Building. Each group of students is assigned to one TA. This TA stays with them the whole day. He/she helps in the classrooms, escorts students to their classes, as well as supervises at recess. All children are required to wear name badges which display their class schedules and room assignments. SAPESS provides these badges.
DISABILITIES: What if my child has a disability?
SAPESS is a 5-week enrichment program and is not allocated funding for individual student TAs. This is a critical safety component since SAPESS is located on the CSUN campus which is open to the public. In addition, children are required to transition to four different classes each day, which are monitored by their assigned TA. If a student requires an assigned aide during the regular school year, an aide must accompany them while participating in SAPESS. Arrangements for accommodations must be made by the parents.
DROP-OFF and PICK-UP: Where on campus do I drop off and pick up my child?
This summer, the TAs will be waiting for their classes at Cleary Court from 8:25 - 8:35 AM. They will have a sign that identifies their group. Please bring your child to the TA to sign him/her in on their roster. At promptly 8:35 AM, all TAs will take their classes from Cleary Court to the first period class. If you arrive on campus after the TA has left the Lawn, please go to the office in ED 1117. You are to escort your child to their 1st period class at that time.
After school, 12:45 PM, students will remain in their 4th period class. If you will be picking your student up at class, please go to his/her 4th period class. If you have another adult whom you wish to pick up your child, make sure and include him/her on your registration form. If your child will be participating in one of our elective courses, an assigned TA will pick him/her up for that elective, go to the lunch area for lunch, and then proceed to class. In order for you to pick up your child, you must sign him/her out of their elective classroom at 2:30 PM.
EARLY PICK-UP: What if I must pick up my child early?
If you need to pick up your child before 12:45 PM, please go to the SAPESS office first for an Early Dismissal permit and then to your child's class to sign him/her out with the teacher. The sign-in sheet from the morning follows the class the whole day.
LATE PICK-UP: What if I cannot pick up my child at 12:45 or at 2:30 if taking an elective?
It is important that children are picked up promptly when classes are over at 12:45 PM, (or at 2:00 PM if taking an elective). If a child has not been picked up within 15 minutes of dismissal, he/she will be taken to the office, which is located in Education 1117. Parents will be charged $5 for every 10 minutes after 12:45 PM (2:15 PM if taking an elective) payable in cash to the supervising adult. SAPESS will make every attempt to contact the parent(s) or other persons authorized by the parent(s) to pick-up the child from the facility. If the parent(s) or other persons authorized cannot be located, or if satisfactory arrangements for picking up the child cannot be made, the appropriate local law enforcement and welfare authorities will be contacted.
EARLY/LATE DAYCARE: Is there daycare available for my child?
Childcare will be provided from 7:45 A.M. to 8:25 A.M. in room ED 1117 for $150.00 for 5 weeks, or $7.00 a day. If you are dropping off your child (children) at 7:45 AM, please stop by the Kiosk on Prairie Street for a 30 minute pass, if needed.
FINANCIAL AID: Is there financial aid available?
Partial scholarships are based upon proof of financial need. Total taxable income must not exceed $35,000 (even if you are enrolling more than one child). Please refer to the application for eligibility requirements and the supporting documents needed. Applications are due in May. See fee page for details.
PROGRAM PLACEMENT LEVEL: How do I know which program is right for my child?
A wide variety of teaching strategies will be implemented to accommodate the varying levels of knowledge and skills of our students. Our goal is to challenge each student, but not overwhelm them. However, if you child is exhibiting difficulties in completing a majority of the classroom activities, the teacher will notify the office and contact the parent in order to make any necessary adjustments.
GRADE LEVEL FOR ELECTIVE CLASSES: How do I know what grade level is right for my child?
Pertinent for Elective classes only: As a guideline, we recommend that you register your child in classes that coincide with the grade your child will enter in the fall. The grade level is listed behind each course. For example: Robotics (4-5) is a combination class recommended for students going into grades 4-5.
PARENT ORIENTATION: How can we meet the teachers and the TA's?
There will be a Parent Orientation on Monday, June 15 2024, from 1:30 – 3:00 PM. You will have an opportunity to meet the director and Academic Administrator, and find the location of your child’s classrooms. An email will be sent with a map to show the location. Unfortunately, your regular parking pass will not cover parking for this event.
Additional information on the orientation will be sent out at a later date.
PARKING: Which parking lots do I park in, and how do I purchase parking passes?
Please see our Parking page for information on parking lots and passes.
PROGRESS REPORTS: Do parents receive progress reports or report-cards?
SAPESS does not offer report cards, progress reports, or grades.
RECESS & SNACKS: What about recess and snack?
SAPESS students have a supervised recess period from 10:30-10:50. They may bring a healthy snack and drink from home to enjoy at this time. Children will not be permitted to use the vending machines or visit any eateries on campus for the purpose of purchasing food items. It is impossible for SAPESS personnel to supervise them in these venues. SAPESS will provide limited play equipment for recess. A TA will have balls and jump ropes that students may check out. It is the child's responsibility to check the equipment back in before returning to class.
REFUND POLICY: What is your refund policy?
Please see our Fees page for information on our refund policy.
SAFETY: In what ways can I keep my child safe?
Please be aware that there are a lot of different programs occurring during the same time period. Your child's safety is our number one priority! There are no skateboards or scooters allowed on campus. Please walk your child each day to the specified drop-off location.
To prevent toe, foot, and ankle injuries, flip-flops, open-toed shoes, and shoes with wheels are not permitted. Additionally, backpacks on wheels are unsafe especially for young children climbing stairs.
Some of the classes will happen outside. Recess is outside as well. Please always send sunscreen, a hat and water with your child to school each day.
TARDINESS: What if my child arrives late in the morning?
Should your child arrive after 8:35 A.M., please bring him/her to the office. After signing in, please escort your child to class. You still need to sign your child in on the roster. Please do not send your child to class alone, or go to class late without first getting a Late Arrival slip from the office. Entering a class after it has begun can be disruptive, and your child may miss an important part of the lesson. We understand that unavoidable circumstances arise and may cause an occasional late arrival. Every minute of instruction is valuable and we thank you for your cooperation.
TAX ID NUMBER: What is the program's tax ID number?
The SAPESS Tax ID number is 95-1992732, please save this for your tax preparer.