A Commitment to Faculty and Staff Success
Because of our University’s commitment to education, inquiry, curiosity, and life-long learning, the CSUN Engage program has been created as a means of investing in our faculty and staff and providing opportunities for members of our community to learn how our University works and people are interconnected.

CSUN Engage is a high-level, immersive, and behind-the-scenes culture initiative with the objectives to:
- cultivate and strengthen relationships between Divisions;
- provide Cohort members with a broad perspective of CSUN and how the Divisions are interconnected; and
- illustrate how each area supports the University Mission.

Selection Process
Cohorts will be comprised of university colleagues, including tenure-track and tenured faculty, full-time lecturers, staff, and administrators. With the support of their supervisor and Divisional Vice President, candidates will apply through an online application process. This is a voluntary program and no additional compensation will be provided to selected participants. To ensure a robust experience that includes varying viewpoints and professional experiences, every Cohort will include members from each Division within the University.

Cohort Members
Cohort members are reflective of the inclusive, dynamic, and innovative leadership needed to facilitate authentic learning for all and are passionate about serving CSUN’s richly diverse campus community.