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Distinguished Alumni Awards

Recognizing outstanding alumni is one way the Alumni Association shows its commitment to showcasing the impact of Cal State Northridge on the personal and professional lives of its graduates and the community in which it serves. These honorees represent the thousands of alumni who contribute in countless ways to business, education, the arts and society. These individuals have been honored because they personify the University's tradition of excellence, bringing distinction to themselves and to CSUN through their outstanding achievements.

Past Events

Rudy Pereira ’85 (Computer Science)
President and CEO
Premier America Credit Union

Pamela Villasenor
Pamela Villaseñor ’06 (Psychology)
Executive Director
Pukúu Cultural Community Services

Dr. William Watkins 
Dr. William Watkins ’74 (Urban Studies)
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
California State University, Northridge

David Knoller (Theatre '86)
Wendy Knoller (Radio/TV Production '87) 

Award-winning producers

Fred Rivera (History '90)
Business and community leader

Fred Nigro '74 
One of Hollywood's Most Powerful Business Managers 

Lauren Ridloff '01 
Globally Inspiring Broadway, Television and Motion Picture Actress

Keith Weaver ’96, M.P.A. ’07 
Executive Vice President of Global Policy and External Affairs at Sony Pictures EntertainmentTBD

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Andrew Anagnost '87 (Engineering)

an inspiring and influential tech executive who is President and CEO of the global computer-aided design giant Autodesk.

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is one of the most influential leaders in the service, education and advocacy of America’s Notaries Public. He is the Chairman of the National Notary Association

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Michelle Vicary ’08 (Cinema and Television Arts)

is recognized as one of the most powerful women in her industry. She is Executive Vice President of Programming and Network Publicity for Crown Media Family Networks.

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Richard H. Foos ’71 (Sociology)

Founder of Shout! Factory, an audio and home video entertainment company.

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Janet Garufis ’77, M.A. ’02 (English ‐ Humanities)

Chairman of Montecito Bank & Trust and inspiring leader in the banking industry

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Hon. D. Zeke Zeidler ’87 (English Literature ‐ Humanities)

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge at Edmund D. Edelman Children’s Court

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Milton Berlinski ’78 (Computer Science)

Titan of the investment banking industry




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Mike Darnell ’87 (Communication Studies)

Trailblazer in the television industry and a pioneering force in reality TV


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Patricia Maloney ’80 (Chemistry)

Dynamic leader in the programmatic and strategic planning side of science and technology globally

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Shigemi Matsumoto ’68 (Music)
Classical Music Singer, Educator and Champion of the Arts


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James Ring ’70 (Psychology), ’72 (Urban Studies)
Urban Developer and Humanitarian


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Robert D. Taylor ’82 (Engineering)
Financial Industry Leader and Economic Justice Advocate


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Judy Baca ’69 M.A. ’80 (Art)

Muralist and Community Arts Pioneer

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Paul Jennings ’85 (Marketing)

Entrepreneurial Leader in Real Estate and Telecommunications

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Donald Petrie ’76 (Theatre)

Acclaimed Filmmaker, Motion Picture and Television Director

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Bill Imada ’84 (Human Resource Management)

Founder, chairman and chief collaboration officer of IW Group, one of the foremost minority-owned-and-operated advertising, marketing and communications agencies focusing on growing multicultural markets.

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Philip Tauber ’68 (Music) and Gayle Tauber ’72 (Political Science)

Dynamic duo. They bring a driving passion to everything they do. The have created several businesses, most notably, Kashi Company, an innovative natural food product enterprise that grew into an international company.

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Diane Manzella ’72 (Speech Communication)

Pioneer in the fields of audiology and speech pathology. Her practice has quickly grown to provide rehabilitation services in 12 states with more than 350 employees.

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Rebecca Mieliwocki

2001 Secondary English Education Credential

National Teacher of the Year for 2012

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Ravi Sawhney 

1979 Bachelor of Arts, Art Three Dimension

Creative visionary and industrial designer

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George Leis 

1981 Bachelor of Science, Geography

President and CEO of Union Bank's Central Coast Region



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Joan Chen '92 Bachelor of Arts, 

Radio, Television, Film

Award-Winning Actress

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John Harris

1972 Bachelor of Arts, Political Science

CSO of Nestle' Waters

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Richard Kaufman

1977 Bachelor of Arts, Music

Internationally Renowned Conductor



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Don Hahn

1975 Bachelor of Arts, Music

Animated Film Producer

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Carol Vaness

1976 Bachelor of Arts, Music, 1998 Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts

Opera Singer

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Irv Zakheim

1971 Bachelor of Science, Physical Education

Founder, Zak Designs; a worldwide leader in licensed children's dinnerware



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Lauren Leichtman

1972 Bachelor of Science, Psychology

CEO and Founding Principal of Levine Leichtman Capital Partners

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Robert M. Myman

1967 Bachelor of Arts, Political Science

Founding partner of Myman Greenspan Fineman Fox & Light LLP; a leading entertainment law firm

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Diane Warren

1978 Music

Grammy award-winning songwriter and owner of Realsongs; the most successful female-owned and operated business in the music industry



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Harvey Bookstein

1970 Bachelor of Science, Business Administration

One of California's most respected Accountants

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James Otero

1973 Bachelor of Arts, Political Science

Judge, United States District Court (Central California Division)

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Debra Farar

1975 Bachelor of Arts, English, 1987 Master of Arts, Education

Past Chair & Member of the Board of Trustees of The California State University



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Teri Garr
1964 Theatre
Motion Picture and Television Actress and Comedian

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Bill Handel
1973 Bachelor of Arts, Political Science

KFI Radio Host and Marconi Award Winner

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Adriana Ocampo Uria
1997 Master of Science, Geology

NASA Scientist and Program Executive


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James Berk
1981 Bachelor of Arts, Music

Chief Executive Officer of Participant Productions

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Brad Bowlus                               
1978 Bachelor of Science, Accounting

President and Chief Executive Officer at PacifiCare Health Plan Division

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Michael Klausman
1974 Bachelor of Arts, Biology

Senior Vice President, CBS Corporation West Coast Operations and Engineering and President of the CBS Studio Center


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Grant Ashley
1978 Bachelor of Science, Accounting

Former Executive Assistant Director of Law Enforcement Services for the FBI

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Mike Curb
1963 Music

Chairman of Curb Records and Former Lt. Governor of California

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Mory Ejabat
1976 Bachelor of Science, Engineering
1979 Master of Science, Industrial Engineering

Chair and CEO of Zhone Technologies


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Larry Feldman
1966 Bachelor of Science, Business Administration

Distinguished Trial Lawyer 

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Barbara Fairchild
1972 Bachelor of Arts, Journalism

Editor-in-Chief of Bon Appetit magazine

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Scott Horowitz
1978 Bachelor of Science, Engineering

Former NASA Astronaut


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Ron Insana
1984 Bachelor of Arts, Radio-Television-Film

Journalist and wealth advisor

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Linda Lingle
1975 Bachelor of Arts, Journalism

Governor of Hawaii

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Richard "Cheech" Marin
1978 English

Actor, Director, Comedian, Art Collector


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Sue Herera
1980 Bachelor of Arts, Journalism

CNBC News Anchor

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Vincent Barabba
1962 Bachelor of Science, Marketing

Former Head of Strategic Decision Center, General Motors


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Lynn Doll
1983 Bachelor of Arts, Journalism

President, National Public Relations Agency

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Charles Noski
1973 Bachelor of Science, Business Administration
1995 Masters of Science, Accounting

Retired Chair at AT&T

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Patsy Flanigan (Deceased)
1979 Bachelor of Science, Home Economics

President of Flanigan Farms and Natural Foods Advocate


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Daniel Chernow
1967 Bachelor of Arts, History
1989 Master of Arts, Education

UCLA School Management Founder and Director

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Steve Howard
1977 Bachelor of Arts, Theatre

Multi-Emmy Award Winner for Costume Design

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Bob Miller
1976 Theatre

Multi-Emmy Award Winner for Costume Design

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Lois Roberts
1971 Master of Arts, History

Respected Historian, Sociologist and Anthropologist


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Michael Day
1988 Bachelor of Science, Chemistry
1990 Masters of Science, Chemistry

Caltech Scientist

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Bill Griffeth
1980 Bachelor of Arts, Journalism

CNBC News Anchor and Author

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Irene Tovar
1969 Bachelor of Science, Sociology

Social Sciences Trail Blazer


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Yvonne Chan
Master of Arts, Special Education, 1976

Charter School Pioneer and Principal

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Frank del Olmo  (Deceased)
1970 Bachelor of Arts, Journalism

Pulitzer Prize winner and Associate Editor of the Los Angeles Times

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Dirk Gates
1983 Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering

Former President and CEO of Xircom



Nikolas Patsaouras
1966 Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering

Owner of Nikolas Patsaouras and Associates, a West Los Angeles Engineering Firm


Stephen Crossland
1967 Bachelor of Science, Business
1970 Masters of Science, Business

President and CEO of International Collegiate Enterprises


Claire Bleiman
1971 Bachelor of Arts, History

Secretary, San Fernando Valley State College History Department


Frank St. Denis
1958 Bachelor of Science, Business


C. Robert Kimberling
1972 Bachelor of Arts, English
1976 Master of Arts, Mass Communications

U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education

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Robert Hiegert
1964 Bachelor of Arts, Physical Education
1968 Master of Arts, Physical Education

Director of Athletics, Cal State Northridge

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John Golisch
1972 Bachelor of Science, Business

Co-Owner of Arthur Anderson and Company


Judge Julian Beck
Friend of the University

Former California Assemblyman

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Joe Buttitta
1964 Bachelor of Arts, Journalism

Director of Sports, KTLA


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