Holiday Campus Closure

Vanessa Andrade

Director, International Partnership & Program Development, CSUN Deputy Senior International Officer

The CSUN College for Graduate, International and Midcareer Education

Phone: (818) 677-5948

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International Education Council

The Council is charged with promoting the globalization of the academic, research and innovative programs at California State University, Northridge. Key charges of the IEC include the following:

  • Identify and profile the University’s strengths, distinctiveness and areas for development in education, research activities and creative programs that are globally focused;

  • Monitor trends in the globalization of higher education and their applicability to continuous improvement at CSUN;
  • Make recommendations to the International Coordinating Council (ICC) to advance the University’s global education, research and innovations agenda;
  • Endeavor to assist faculty seeking to globalize their academic interests.

International Education Council Charge (PDF)

Council Charge

The purpose of the California State University, Northridge University International Education Council is to provide University-wide awareness of the academic value of international relationships/initiatives brought before the Council in light of the Priority Outcomes and Academic Values Guiding CSUN International Programs, Services and Relationships.

The Meeting Schedule and Minutes

The Council will meet during the academic year no more than two times per semester. These meetings will generally be divided into two parts.

The first half will be a topical seminar on a particular University international capability/practice/option. These segments of the meeting might include topics such as: an overview of CSU and CSUN options to give CSUN students an international experience and the departmental strategies being used at CSUN and other institutions nationally to expand the international experiences of students in different majors; CSU and national trends in internationalizing the curriculum; international models for giving students a global experience; and the like. These seminar segments of the Council meetings will be planned by the Council chair in collaboration with CSU, CSUN, and national leadership on international education with the goal of ensuring that CSUN Council members, and departmental international liaisons are informed and engaged in forefront conversations about the globalization of higher education in its emerging forms and models.

This topical/seminar component of each meeting is also open to members of the CSUN Network of Departmental International Liaisons that wish to attend. 

The second half of the meeting will be an advisory discussion identifying and profiling the University's strengths, distinctiveness and areas for develop in education, research activities, and creative programs that are globally focused as described above in the charge.

Communication and consultation between meetings will be done via digital options.


This International Education Council is under the purview of University Senior International Officer (USIO) or her designee, which will be responsible for convening this council at regular intervals and/or whenever the need for committee action arises. The USIO or her designee will serve as the chair of the Council.

Council appointments will become effective at the beginning of the Fall Semester and will expire at the end of the Summer Term. USIO’s office will distribute a list of members of the International Education Council before the start of the Fall Semester (in early Summer Term whenever possible).

Faculty and staff council members will serve three-year staggered terms unless otherwise specified; students serve one-year terms. A description of the makeup of the Council follows.

The council members shall comprise the following:

  • Nine members representing each of the colleges and the library. These members will be appointed by the dean of the college/library from the departmental faculty liaisons for international education in the college/library in question (note: each department has an international liaison appointed by the department chair each year August to serve for one year starting the Fall Semester – these appointments are requested during the summer by the University Senior International Officers or designee – they are renewable appointments) College/library members on the Council serve for a three-year term that is renewable twice;
  • One representative from the CSUN International and Exchange Student Center appointed by the VP for Student Affairs for a renewable three-year term;
  • One representative from CSUN Admission and Records appointed by the Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies for a renewable three-year term;
  • One international student appointed by the VP for Student Affairs for a renewable one-year term;
  • The Provost will appoint one additional representative for each CSUN Center or Institute that has a primarily international charge and a strong record of significant University-level international work for a renewable three-year term;
  • One representative from CSUN’s advisory community appointed by the Associate Vice President for Undergraduate Studies;
  • CSUN's Chief Diversity Officer;
  • CSUN's representative to the CSU Academic Council on International Programs (ACIP).

Vanessa Andrade

Director, International Partnership & Program Development, CSUN Deputy Senior International Officer

The CSUN College for Graduate, International and Midcareer Education

Phone: (818) 677-5948

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