Department Office

Department of Sociology

321 Santa Susana Hall
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8318

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM

Phone: (818) 677-3591

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Student Support Resources


MataCare Emergency Fund

The MataCare Emergency Fund is pleased to offer an Emergency Relief Grant for Fire-Impacted Students. This one-time grant will assist students with non-housing expenses, such as school supplies, travel costs and personal item expenses resulting from the fires. Starting on Thursday, January 19th, application information can be found at:


Office of Basic Needs

Will serve as the primary point of contact for students with resource needs.  Information about services available can be found at Services include the Food Pantry, CalFresh food assistance, and housing navigation support. The Basic Needs office will also update the website regarding emergency housing and financial resources as this information becomes available.

The Office of Basic Needs can also assist with referral to community-based resources such as those available through FEMA, LA City and County agencies.

The Basic Needs Emergency Housing Fund is pleased to offer a Fire Recovery Emergency Housing Grant for impacted students. This one-time grant will assist students who were evacuated and in need of financial resources for temporary relocation or students whose homes were destroyed or rendered uninhabitable.  Starting on Thursday, January 19th, application information can be found at

Device Loaner Program

Provides students access to laptops, tablets and hotspots for one semester.  Students may make an appointment to checkout a device online at 


University Counseling Services

UCS is prepared to support any student experiencing emotional or psychological impacts from the trauma of the wildfires. Students are urged to reach out to University Counseling Services at (818) 677-2366.  Information about services available can be found at, and includes 24/7 crisis/urgent care services.

Emergency Contact Information via Portal

Please make sure your emergency contact information is current or update your records through your student portal. Instructions are available at: In addition, please ensure you have opted-in to CSUN’s Emergency Communication Systems.



The Associated Students provides access to various forms of transportation assistance, including the Metro U-Pass.  Please visit the AS Ticket Office website and follow the Transportation navigation to explore services that may be helpful.

Air Quality: 
Your one-stop source for air quality data.
Essential resources and information you can access immediately.

Cal Fire:
Essential resources and information you can access immediately.

County of Los Angeles Emergency Updates & Alerts:
Provides updates on wildfires throughout the County as well as resources for those who may have been impacted.

Cybercriminal Scam Update
Cybercriminals are exploiting the ongoing Southern California wildfires by using fire-related themes to launch phishing scams and fraudulent fundraising campaigns. Visit the Information Security website for tips on how to protect yourself.

FEMA Disaster Recover Center Locator:
A tool to help you find the hours, services, and locations of a Disaster Recovery Center near you, as soon as they are established.

FEMA and Small Business Administration Assistance:
FEMA and Small Business Administration assistance to individuals and businesses including critical needs for evacuating and temporary lodging, direct grants for damage to homes and medical costs, as well as Business Physical Disaster Loans, Economic Injury Disaster Loans, and Home Disaster Loans.
1-800-621-FEMA (3362)or use the @fema app.

LA County Assessor:
Disaster relief information for property owners and FAQs about disaster relief.

LA County Traffic:
Provides traffic updates and road closure information.

National Weather Service:
Utilized by Los Angeles City and LA County emergency management services to monitor weather-related impacts across the region.

Southern California Edison Outage Map:
Provides detailed information on Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) and their affected areas.

LA Emergency Management:
Provides emergency management resources in Los Angeles and red flag restrictions.

Both students and employees have asked how they can help students who have been impacted by the wildfires.  Individuals are invited to make a gift and support the MataCare Emergency Grant Fund that assists students with unforeseen expenses, including the Emergency Relief Grant for Fire-Impacted Students.

Perhaps even more important, we ask that you connect with your fellow students who are struggling to cope with and begin recovering from the tragic wildfires. Your kindness, a listening ear and a word of encouragement will help all Matadors know that they are not alone. A small gesture of support can make a big difference for those recovering from this difficult experience.


Student Success Allies

The CSBS Student Allies team are MSW Students who provide immediate response to support students in crisis and case management as needed under the direct supervision of a Faculty LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker). In addition to being a near-peer support, the allies can also help those students who need more intensive services connect to off campus programs.

Allen Lipscomb, PsyD, LCSW
(818) 677-5945


BLUES project

Children's Center

CSUN Food Pantry

CSUN Helpline

CSUN Mentorship Program

Institute for Community Health and Well-being

Equity and Diversity


A significant percentage of college students have a difficult time enjoying their learning opportunities while in college. Many students have experienced "mini" academic traumas before they enter college that reduce their confidence to learn new and difficult material. Recognizing that confidence and enjoyment in learning are two important variables in achieving academic success, ExCEL offers interventions and other presentations to present CSUN students psycho-education on academic motivation, test anxiety, self-efficacy, and academic confidence, as well as information about campus resources.

ExCEL Video: How to Experience Academic Confidence and Enjoy Learning (YouTube Video)

ExCEL Video: Selfies of Your Professors (YouTube Video)


Klotz Student Health Center

Matador Patrol

Oasis Wellness Center

RIO (Recognition/Insight/Openness)

RIO is a 3-week psychoeducational workshop series designed to help students learn quick and useful tools and develop a clearer sense of what they would like to change in their lives. RIO is a curriculum-driven workshop series with structure and specific learning objectives, with each workshop building on material from the preceding one(s). Participation is strongly encouraged but personal disclosure is not required. The workshops were designed to respect students' individual privacy while still providing ample space to begin building skills through experiential learning opportunities. All participants will receive a workbook to accompany exercises within the workshops. Students may participate in RIO more than once if they are interested in doing so.

Strength United 24/7 Hotline

Operating through California State University Northridge's (CSUN) Michael D. Eisner College of Education, Strength United provides a unique interdisciplinary approach to ending abuse and violence through the collaboration of mental health professionals, educators, researchers, students and volunteers.

Student Recreation Center

Student Resources and Reporting Options for Sexual Violence and Relationship Abuse

University Counseling Services

WISDOM: Women Inspired to Succeed and Discover Opportunities through Mentoring

WISDOM is a dynamic program for Black female students at CSUN. It is geared toward helping you achieve academic success and enhance your social capital by developing positive mentoring relationships with CSUN professional faculty, staff and administrators.

Women's Research Resource Center (WRRC)

Approximately 11% of CSU students experience houselessness, 40% experience food insecurity, and many experience immigration status vulnerabilities and criminal legal troubles. While these problems are systemic issues related to the inherent inequalities of capitalist society, CSUN has created a hub for information about housing, food, financial, and mental and physical health resources for students called CSUN with a Heart. Continue reading about CSUN with a Heart 

In particular, see the website for information about free food, counseling, and temporary emergency housing assistance. For undocumented/DACAmented students and/or students who live in mixed status families, please take advantage of the CSUN DREAM Center for information and resources. Continue reading about the CSUN Dream Center.

If any students are in need of legal assistance of any kind, please visit the CSUN Student Legal Support Clinic for free or low-cost services from Southwestern Law School interns and law professors: Select for additional information on CSUN Student Legal Support Clinic.

The University Student Union (USU) has launched the USU Free Printing Gift Cards program, specifically for students. The cards provide users FREE printing through the Office Depot Online Portal or the student's local Office Depot print centers. Students are able print up to 50 pages at no charge to them. Students can register online on USU Computer Lab website, all currently enrolled CSUN students can apply for this $5 Office Depot electronic gift card.

Students can apply starting Monday, Jan. 25 to start printing for FREE with the new USU Free Printing Gift Cards courtesy of the Computer Lab! 

For additional information, please visit  University Student Union or call the USU Computer Lab at (818) 677-5746.

Department Office

Department of Sociology

321 Santa Susana Hall
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8318

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM

Phone: (818) 677-3591

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