Department Chair

Dr. Karen Morgaine

321 Santa Susana Hall
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8318

Phone: (818) 677-3591

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Department Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm


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2023 Undergraduate & Graduate Sociology Award Recipients

Congratulations to all the 2023 undergraduate and graduate Sociology award winners!

Ompad, Ludwig

Ludwig Ompad 

The first-place winner of the Graduate Student Qualitative Research Poster Contest is Ludwig Ompad for his project titled “The Underlying Connections: Psychedelic Phenomenology, Connectedness and Commonality between Therapeutic and Recreational Use.”  

Ludwig is the first person in his family to pursue a master’s degree. Throughout his educational journey, the support of department faculty at Fresno State where Ludwig received his bachelor’s degree has been pivotal in his decision to pursue a career in sociological research.

With an interest at the intersection of psychedelics and sociology, Ludwig has conducted studies using content analysis, photovoice methodology, interviews, and SPSS. Through a scholarship offered by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), Ludwig hopes to find his thesis topic by attending their 2023 Psychedelic Science conference held in Denver, Colorado this summer. In the future Ludwig has plans to apply to doctoral programs at universities that have opened up centers for psychedelic research. Lastly, he has requested us to simply convey that he is proud, and grateful, to be a Matador in the sociology program.

The second-place winner is Erick Perez for his poster titled "El Color de mi Piel: Colorism through the Perspectives of Latinx Millennials"

The third-place winner is Elizabeth Vazquez for her poster titled "I Don't Understand Why: An Introspective Look at Women of Color who are Victims of Intimate Partner Violence."

The Veronica Elias Scholarship is given in honor of Dr. Veronica Elias, who served as a faculty member in the Department of Sociology for many years. The award is given to an undergraduate student who has a demonstrated record of academic achievement. This year’s award goes to is Kelly Chavez. 

Chavez, Kelly

Kelly Chavez

Kelly is a first-generation college student who immigrated to the U.S. from El Salvador in 2009, escaping violence and setting up a pathway for her husband and daughter to join her. Five years later, in 2014, Kelly was reunited with her daughter and husband. Two years later she decided to finish high school, and pursue a college degree. Kelly obtained her associate’s degree in sociology from Pierce college and then transferred to CSUN. Her college experience would not have been the same without the help of Dr. Jerald Schutte and Dr. Daniel Olmos, who made Kelly believe that anything is possible.

Kelly has spent time volunteering as the Co-President of the Sociology Club, is a member of the AKD Sociology Honor Society, and has been on the Dean’s List for two years. She would like to continue her volunteer work at a macro level and will be applying to a Master’s in Public Administration graduate program.

The Beverly Ann Hurd Scholarship was established by CSUN alumnae Beverly Hurd, who majored in sociology. The award is given to a student who is a parent, returned to school after a break in their education, and has succeeded academically. This year’s award goes to Diana Lozano-Santana. 

The Russell Miller Sociology Scholarship is given in honor of Dr. Russell Miller, who was a faculty member for many years in the Department of Sociology. His widow, Crista Miller has earmarked funds to go to students who have shown scholastic achievement and demonstrated exceptional leadership and community service. 

This year's recipients are Michael Kingsbaker and Rumana Mim.

Mim, Rumana

Rumana Mim

Rumana is a junior majoring in sociology and will be the first person in her family to graduate from college. As an ESL student, Rumana received tremendous support from Professor Jacob Skelton at Los Angeles Mission College. Rumana has been on the Dean’s list for multiple semesters, is the recipient of the Sylmar Women’s Club scholarship, CSUN’s Middle-Class Scholarship, and a member of the GE Honors program and CSUN Muslim Club.

Rumana has volunteered at Poverty Encounter located within the Children’s Hunger Fund and at the Khalsa Care Foundation.

Rumana has been fortunate to have mentors such as Dr. Olmos, Dr. Davidson, and Dr. Missari, who have provided her with guidance and support. After completing her bachelor's degree in Sociology next year, Rumana plans to pursue a master's degree in social work.

The John J. Plasek Memorial Scholarship is given in honor of the father of Dr. John Wayne Plasek, who was a faculty member in the Department of Sociology for many years. The award goes to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence, particularly in the major, and has overcome difficulties pursuing higher education.

This year there are two recipients of this award. The winners are Karla Alvarez and Jorge Duarte.

Alvarez, Karla

Karla Alvarez 

Karla is a first-generation college student who graduated with honors from Los Angeles Mission College before transferring to CSUN. Karla has been on the Dean’s list for multiple semesters, was awarded the Sylmar Woman’s Club scholarship, and is also a member of the Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honor Society.

Karla currently works at a nonprofit organization that operates a foster care agency, contracted with Los Angeles’s Department of Children and Family Services. The agency also provides low-cost mental health services for the community.

Karla’s career goal is to become a professor in a 2-year or 4-year institution in order to give back to the community that once helped her. Her passion for this career developed after coming back to college following a 4-year hiatus. Along her journey Karla was surrounded by professors and mentors who believed in and supported her. They told Karla that it is never too late to accomplish her dreams. 

Duarte, Jorge

Jorge Duarte

Jorge’s parents immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico in the 1980s. His father is a truck driver and the main source of income for their family. His older sister, a 2017 CSUN graduate, also contributes tremendously. Jorge plans to follow in his sister’s footsteps and go into the field of social work, but would like to go a step further by earning his master’s degree in social work first.

Jorge is currently finishing his sophomore year at CSUN and is set to graduate with his bachelor’s degree in 2025. He has been on the Dean’s list for two semesters and will be participating in field placement internship classes over the next two semesters. Jorge would like to help with the homeless crisis that Los Angeles is currently facing.

Potentially, once he is financially stable, Jorge wishes to continue his education in the field of kinesiology and get a physical therapy credential.

The Jerald Schutte Award for Excellence in Research Methods and Statistics is awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student who has excelled in coursework in statistics and research methods coursework. This year’s award goes to Danielle Morales.

The Sara and Marshall Magnuson Award for Outstanding Student Accepted to Graduate School is for students with a record of academic excellence who have been accepted into graduate school (either a master’s degree program or Ph.D. program).

This year two recipients are receiving this award. The first recipient is Danielle Morales who has been accepted to the Ph.D. program in Technology Management at the University of California-Santa Barbara.

The second recipient of the Award for Outstanding Student Accepted to graduate school is Betsy Sofia Ocampo. Thus far, Betsy has been accepted into the MSW programs at California State University-Long Beach, USC, and Columbia University. Betsy is still deciding on which master’s degree program she would like to attend. 

The Sara & Marshall Magnuson Award for Outstanding Community Service goes to a student who has contributed significantly to the community through volunteer work and/or internships. This year’s award goes to Jay Rowan Tanner.

The Sara and Marshall awards, are funded by the Sara and Marshall Magnuson Endowment in Sociology. Sara and Marshall Magnuson both attended CSUN. In 1971 Sara graduated with a B.A. in Sociology-Anthropology and Marshall graduated with a B.A. in Art. Although they have both passed away, part of their legacy was to financially support scholarships and awards for sociology students. 

This year’s award goes to Michelle Garber and David Marvizi who are graduating summa cum laude with a 4.0 GPA.

Garber, Michelle

Michelle Garber

Michelle is the first in her family to attend and graduate from college. She is part of CSUN’s GE Honors program and has been on the Dean’s list since her very first semester at CSUN.

Michelle is a member the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, and the Alpha Kappa Delta Sociology Honor Society. She also serves as the Vice President of the CSUN Sociology Club. Michelle has interned at Monseñor Oscar Romero Charter School as a mentor for underprivileged students, and also with the virtual counseling program, 7Cups.

Michelle has received many honors, but she is most proud of how she was able to overcome chronic illnesses while still attending school. This pivotal life experience is what ultimately inspired her to want to become a licensed clinical social worker who helps chronically ill or disabled adults cope with mental health problems. Michelle’s internship at Skirball Hospice also influenced this career goal.  

Michelle recently applied to graduate school as she wants to pursue her MSW and is patiently waiting to hear back from the programs.

The Sara and Marshall awards, are funded by the Sara and Marshall Magnuson Endowment in Sociology. Sara and Marshall Magnuson both attended CSUN. In 1971 Sara graduated with a B.A. in Sociology-Anthropology and Marshall graduated with a B.A. in Art. Although they have both passed away, part of their legacy was to financially support scholarships and awards for sociology students. 

This year’s award goes to Jazmin Hernandez who is graduating with distinction with a 3.96 GPA.

Hernandez, Jazmin

Jazmin Hernandez

Prior to entering the master’s degree program at CSUN, Jazmin graduated from UCLA with a double major in Sociology and Classical Civilizations. During her time at CSUN she co-authored an article with Dr. Michael Carter and Danielle Morales titled “Examining the Relationship Between Conventional Versus Idiosyncratic Role-Identity Meanings and Identity Commitment” which was published in the peer-reviewed journal - Imagination, Cognition and Personality. She also co-authored a book chapter with Dr. Moshoula Capous-Desyllas and other graduate students titled “Creative Critical Pedagogies: Using arts-based approaches for online and in-person learning during a global pandemic.”

 Jazmin has had the opportunity to conduct research with first-generation Latina college students on how they were able to navigate their identities during the COVID-19 pandemic. She is currently writing her thesis titled “Motherhood, COVID-19, and Mental Health: Testimonios of Latina Mothers and how they coped with the Domestic Division of Labor during the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

 Jazmin appreciates all of the support she received from Dr. Moshoula, Dr. McDonald, Dr. Prata, and Dr. Missari while in the graduate program. After completing her graduate degree, she plans on pursuing a career in project management.

Department Chair

Dr. Karen Morgaine

321 Santa Susana Hall
18111 Nordhoff St.
Northridge, CA 91330-8318

Phone: (818) 677-3591

Send email

Department Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm


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