César Chávez Holiday Closure

HR Forms

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To save time and resources, many completed forms can be submitted electronically.  Learn more here.


Absence Report

Used internally by campus departments to report leave usage.  Payroll
Action Request Form (ARF) - State

Use this form to request changes to Staff & MPP employee or position information. The completed form and any additional supporting documentation should be emailed to hrclass-comp@csun.edu

Faculty & Student actions should be submitted directly to HR Academic Personnel/Operations.

Classification & Compensation

Applicant Interview Evaluation Record

Used to evaluate candidates interviewed during a search. Recruitment

Applicant Screening Record

Used for screening and rating applications. Recruitment 

Catastrophic Leave Pledge

Donations of sick or vacation leave to employees of CSUN who are eligible for catastrophic leave. Benefits
Classification Review Request This link provides information and form to request a Classification Review for a filled position. Classification & Compensation
Classification Appeal Used for Employee notice of classification appeal. Classification & Compensation
Confidentiality Statement Confidentiality statement for employee access to university data systems containing personal, academic, or financial information about students, faculty, staff or alumni. Customer Service
Direct Deposit Enrollment Authorization  Enroll in or change direct deposit of pay warrants. Payroll
Employee Action Request (EAR)

The Employee Action Request Form is used to make legal name changes and birthdate corrections for Faculty, Staff, and Administrators only. Remit completed form with original signature and date and proof of legal name/correct birthdate to Operations, Human Resources (VH 165).

To change your preferred name only, log in to the CSUN Portal and navigate the following path: CSUN Portal > HR > Personal Information > Update Personal Information > Change name.

For address changes, log in to the CSUN Portal and navigate the following path: CSUN Portal> HR > Personal Information > Update Personal Information > Change home/mailing addresses.

For tax withholding changes, log in to the CSUN Portal and navigate the following path: CSUN Portal> HR > Forms & Policies >  Employee Forms > Withholding Allowance Form (OnBase Web Link Form).

Employee Information Form (EIF)     The Employee Information Form is completed by all State Employees at Sign-In. The EIF provides the University with contact, education, payroll designee and emergency contact information. The EIF also contains the "Oath of Allegiance." The EIF is also used to advise the University of changes in contact information (address, telephone number, etc). Instructions are included with this form. Operations
Exit Interview Questionnaire Staff members are encouraged to complete and submit this form to Human Resources when separating from the university. Employee Relations

Extra Hours Worked Authorization

Used internally by campus departments to report overtime, straight time, and C.T.O. to their department timekeeper. Payroll

Fee Waiver Application Fee Reimbursement - CSUN

Fee Waiver Application Fee Reimbursement- Other CSUs

Application Fee Reimbursement Request for Employee Fee Waiver Recipients attending CSUN

Application Fee Reimbursement Request for Employee Fee Waiver Recipients attending another CSU campus


Flexible Spending Plan (FSA) Debit Card Request

Application request form for Health Benefits "Benny" card. Benefits
In-Range Progression Request Used to request an increase within a salary range for a single classification, or within a sub-range of classification.

Classification & Compensation

Justification for Initiation of Search for Certain Personnel Appointments and/or Actions in the General Fund for Academic Affairs 

This form is to be completed and attached to the Personnel Requisition for all requests to initiate a search for management, probationary, and temporary renewable staff appointments; and extensions of temporary renewable appointments of six months or more in the General Fund for Academic Affairs. Recruitment

Master Payroll Certification (MPC) Exception

Monthly master payroll transactions missed during the regular MPC cycle must be reported using the MPC Exception form in the CSUN Portal. Log in to the CSUN Portal and navigate the following path: CSUN Portal > HR > Forms & Policies > Employee Forms > MPC Exception Form (OnBase Web Link Form) (Only available to users with MPC access)

As a resource, refer to the Quick Guide to Approving and Processing forms in OnBase Workflow.


Moving & Relocation - Declaration of Notice

Moving & Relocation Expenses Payment Authorization Form (MPP)

Moving & Relocation Expenses Payment Authorization Form (Deans)

Moving & Relocation Expenses Payment Authorization Form (Faculty)

Declaration notice for moving and relocation.

Authorizes one-time payment for moving expenses. 




Employee Relations

New Employee Sign-In

Used for new employee sign in. Customer Service

Non-Employee Person of Interest

Used to request a non-employee POI record. HRIS

Pay Warrant Pick-Up Request

Employees who want to pick up their warrants on December 29th must complete the Pay Warrant Pick Up Request Form no later than December 15, 2023. Payroll

Pay Warrant Replacement

Used by employees to request a duplicate pay warrant / stop payment (return with Signature to Payroll Administration, VH 165, questions, call x2101). Payroll

Payroll Designee

Used to designate the person(s) entitled to receive all outstanding pay warrants upon the employee´s death. Payroll
Performance Evaluations

Visit the HR Toolkit page, then go to the  drop down for Performance Evaluation forms and instructions for staff and management positions.

Employee Relations

Personnel File Access For employees wishing to view their personnel files. The completed form should be returned to Human Resources (VH 165, mail drop 8229 or faxed to (818) 677- 7200, Attn: Michelle Lopez).

Employee Relations

Personnel Action Request (PAR)

Used for all Full-Time Faculty Personnel Transactions, and for Temporary Personnel Transactions that cannot be processed through the PeopleSoft Part-Time Faculty or Student Hiring Modules.


Personal Physician Pre-Designation

Pre-designation of Personal Physician for Work Related Injury form. Benefits
Position Description - MPP Used to provide the MPP Administrator with a full written description of the position's nature and scope and areas of responsibilities.

Classification & Compensation

Position Description - Staff 
(New form as of 9/2019)  

Used to provide the staff employee with a full written description of the position's nature and scope, duties, priorities, and physical and environmental working conditions.

Classification & Compensation

Prior Pay Period Adjustment

Changes to previously reported absences must be reported using the Prior Pay Period Adjustment form in the CSUN Portal. Log in to the CSUN Portal and navigate the following path: CSUN Portal > HR > Forms & Policies > Employee Forms > Prior Pay Period Adjustment (OnBase Web Link Form) (Only available to Managers and Timekeepers) Do not use this form for Work-Study prior pay period adjustments - use the next form below.

As a resource, refer to the Quick Guide to Approving and Processing forms in OnBase Workflow.


Prior Pay Period Adjustment (Federal Work-Study)

Summary to report miscellaneous adjustments to Work-Study Payroll, including hours from a prior pay period. Use for on and off campus Work-Study. (Instructions included with form.) Classification & Compensation


For all faculty and staff who are separating employment from CSUN. Full and part-time faculty members who are expected to return during the following semester may be exempt from this process, at the discretion of the Dean of the College. Employee Relations

SOLAR HR Access Request

Requested and processed as part of position recruitment and hiring through CHRS.  

Special Pay Faculty Pre-Hire Processing

Used to initiate job prior to processing special pay authorization (above). Operations

Stipend/Bonus Request Process Guide

Used to request a Stipend or Bonus for a Staff employee.

CSUN Portal Path: Login to My CSUN Portal-> HR->Forms & Policies ->Employee Forms->HR Stipend/Request Form

Please review the Stipend/Bonus ProcessinGuide for steps on how to submit.

Classification & Compensation

Student Assistant Hire

Use this form to document the hire of a new Student Assistant. Operations

Student Employee Job Data Change

This form is used to document and authorize requests for changes to employment status or pay, as well as update position management details. Operations

Student Payroll Action Request/Change

This form is used to document and authorize requests for an additional appointment or change to the current employment status of a student assistant or work-study student. Payroll

Telecommute Agreement

Adobe Sign form initiated by employee authorized to telecommute. Form routes to appropriate administrator. Please refer to details of CSUN Telecommute Program and webpage. Employee Relations


Used by Student Assistant, Work-Study, and Hourly employees to track their hours worked. Payroll

Transfer of Leave Balance from Position to Position Authorization

When an employee has multiple positions and is earning vacation or sick leave in more than one job, the employee may transfer hours between positions. This transfer is allowed when there is an insufficient balance in the second position and the employee needs a specific amount to cover a time off for a specific time period.  Payroll

Vacancy & Shared Services Assessment of MPP & Staff Position(s)

Part 1 - Complete Assessment Form (Word Doc will download).

Part 2 - Complete Adobe Sign Cover Page, after Assessment Form is agreed upon by all parties. 


Vision Out-of-Network Reimbursement

Use in the event that you see an out-of-network provider for vision services. Benefits

Vision (Video Display Terminal) Claim

Computer Eyewear Only. Benefits

Volunteer Identification

Volunteer Limited Reporter Acknowledgement

Volunteer Parent Consent

Used in processing CSUN Volunteer workers.  

Used in conjunction with the Volunteer Identification Form and Adjunct Faculty Requisition, this form pertains to the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) which requires all volunteers/adjunct faculty be identified as Limited Reporters. This form must be signed and submitted to Human Resources.

Use this form when you have a minor as a Volunteer.  The parent/Guardian must fill out this form.

Customer Service

W-2 Duplicate Request

Used to request a duplicate copy of a W-2 for up to 4 prior tax years. Copy of paper form. Payroll

Work Schedule Change

Timekeepers and Approvers must submit any work schedule changes for employees through the portal, under “HR/Timekeeper (or Manager) Time&Attendance”. To view a tutorial video, select here.


Workers' Compensation - Accident/Illness Investigation

Used by supervisor to report an accident. Benefits

Workers' Compensation Claim - DWC 1

Workers’ Compensation Claim Form (DWC 1) & Notice of Potential Eligibility. Benefits


Action Request - Auxiliary

This form replaces the Waiver of Recruitment & Appointment Requisition Form - Auxiliary.

Employee Information Form (EIF) - Auxiliary Employee

The EIF provides the University with contact, education, payroll designee and emergency contact information. The EIF also contains the "Oath of Allegiance." The EIF is also used to advise the University of changes in contact information (address, telephone number, etc). Instructions are included with this form.
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