Child and Family Studies Center

"Lab School"

18330 Halsted Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8292

Phone: (818) 677-3131

Program Director              Christa C. Dunlap, M.A.     Send email

Staff Description

The Directors and Master Teachers at the CFSC are highly qualified early childhood professionals with many years of education and experience. They are part-time faculty, instructors, or graduate assistants of the university, and are dedicated to providing a high quality, developmentally appropriate inclusive curriculum for all of the children. Additionally, their responsibilities include the training and evaluation of university students under their supervision.

The administrative staff members of the CFSC are part time faculty within the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS). Under the direction of the FCS Department Chair, the Administrative Directors assume responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the CFSC and participate in broader outreach into the university and surrounding community. The Director of Research/Program Development is responsible for recommending major facility and equipment improvements to the Family and Consumer Sciences Department and promotes outreach to university departments for participation and/or observation experiences. The Site Supervisor/Assistant Director is responsible for the supervision and coordination of the day-to-day functioning of all programs at the CFSC, including enrollment of the children, approval of the hiring of student assistant interns, and liaison for parent, teacher, student concerns.

A Lead Teacher runs each of the preschool programs offered at the CFSC. As part-time faculty and graduate assistants in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, they are responsible for implementing a developmentally appropriate curriculum for all of the children and families enrolled in their program. Additionally, they are responsible for the supervision and evaluation of participating student assistant interns and fieldwork students in their classrooms who are enrolled in CFSC courses (FCS 491A, B, C; FCS 431L; FCS 499A, etc.), and in courses offered through other related departments such as Child & Adolescent Development and Special Education. Lead Teachers may provide feedback on assignments for FCS 330 Child Growth and Development I classes.

Each academic semester a small number of fieldwork students are selected for internships as Student Assistants. These highly qualified students are part of a teaching team, working in conjunction with a Lead Teacher to provide a developmentally appropriate curriculum in the classroom. Students interested in applying for this training experience may pick up an application in the Main Office.

Inclusion assistants (or CHIME assistants) are typically assigned on a ratio of one assistant to two children identified with disabilities. Their role is to provide support for these children; to assist in the implementation of individual children's learning objectives; to plan activities and modifications to accommodate individual needs; and to collaborate as part of the CFSC teaching team.

Child and Family Studies Center

"Lab School"

18330 Halsted Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8292

Phone: (818) 677-3131

Program Director              Christa C. Dunlap, M.A.     Send email

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