Child and Family Studies Center

"Lab School"

18330 Halsted Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8292

Phone: (818) 677-3131

Program Director              Christa C. Dunlap, M.A.     Send email

CHIME Inclusion

At the CFSC, the CHIME Institute Inclusion Program enables children with disabilities to attend school along with non-disabled children. The CHIME program provides special education, speech and language therapy, adaptive physical education consultation, and physical therapy consultation in the context of the regular classroom. The CHIME staff includes a special education teacher or inclusion specialist, inclusion assistants (CHIME assistants), a speech pathologist, and others who work in the classroom in collaboration with the CFSC staff to meet the goals and objectives set for these children. CHIME staff members attend CFSC meetings where strategies for inclusion can be discussed. Inclusion assistants (CHIME assistants) are typically assigned on a ratio of one assistant per two children with disabilities.

As a non-public school agency, CHIME provides special education and related services within the context of the early childhood classroom. The CHIME Institute is a private, non-profit organization that is independent of the CFSC. It is operated by a Board of Directors and employs its own staff in order to assure the highest quality of services for children and families. Although funded separately, the CHIME administration and staff work collaboratively with their counterparts at the CFSC.

Child and Family Studies Center

"Lab School"

18330 Halsted Street,
Northridge, CA 91330-8292

Phone: (818) 677-3131

Program Director              Christa C. Dunlap, M.A.     Send email

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